UK Government Panicking As Fraudulent COVID Death Count is Revealed

Today the public have been told via the mainstream press that UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock is now ‘looking into’ how data regarding coronavirus fatalities is being recorded. This, despite months of reporting by dissenting journalists who have been challenging the official government line raising this issue. 

Dying *of* coronavirus? Or dying *with* coronavirus. The distinction is crucial, in medicine and statistics. So what do the official figures actually mean? PLEASE read
— Peter Hitchens (@ClarkeMicah) April 3, 2020

Downplaying a ‘Strange Anomaly’
We’re told all this comes after Public Health England (PHE) confirmed that people who are dying of natural causes are also being counted as ‘COVID deaths’ by virtue of the fact that they had previously tested positive for the virus.
Officials are calling this “a strange anomaly,” but it’s much more than that.
Quite clearly, Hancock and the Tory government are implementing damage control here, as this scandal is rapidly being disseminated across the public discourse, and for fear that the wider scale of the statistical fraud might be revealed.
By calling for a “urgent review,” the Johnson government hopes to avoid a likely backlash from what can only be described as a historic fiasco for Public Health England and Westminster.
All of the governments seemingly half-baked policies – from Lockdown, to shutting down normal NHS services (making it a de facto ‘COVID only’ health service), to nonsensical ad hoc ‘social distancing’ regulations, mass testing, contact tracing, to mandatory masks, to school closures, travel bans and quarantines, to its rush to push-out an experimental coronavirus vaccine – are all predicated on what seems very likely to be a false perception that COVID-19 is an unprecedented ‘pandemic’ and therefore requires unprecedented mitigation measures.
SEE ALSO: More Statistical Fraud: Florida, Texas, Colorado – All Caught Inflating COVID Cases and Deaths
It seems that government can no longer hide that it has been counting scores of people who’ve died from natural causes as ‘COVID deaths’. One can only guess just how many deaths have been wrongly recorded in this way.
A source says that, “We noticed that hospital deaths were falling but community deaths were up and wondered why …. It turns out you could have been tested positive in February, recovered, then hit by a bus in July and you’d be recorded as a covid death.”
Essentially, PHE is counting people if they die of any cause at any time after previously testing positive for COVID. So by this government measure, one can never ‘recover’ from the virus. They simply keep the ‘death meter’ running forever, which is effectively padding their statistics and thus justifying any policy which is being drifted out each day.

This can only be described as fraudulent data gathering and recording by health officials, which has unfortunately been swallowed, unquestioningly, by politicians and the mainstream media for the last 4 and half months.
What’s more, these figures are concealing an even bigger scandal – more likely these numbers are driving excess mortality. In other words, the inconvenient truth that most of these are in fact Lockdown deaths, and not COVID deaths.
Sky News reports…

IMAGE: UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock trying to sell the crisis to public.
The government’s own figures show there have been 45,119 COVID-19 associated deaths across the UK.
But that tally is feared to be inaccurate due to the way coronavirus deaths are recorded in England.
Explaining the “strange anomaly”, Sky News’ Rowland Manthorpe said: “Essentially, there is no way to recover, statistically. So, if I tested positive for COVID-19 today and then I got hit by a bus tomorrow, then COVID-19 would be listed as my cause of death.”
A government source confirmed that PHE’s current method of calculation means if a person was previously diagnosed with COVID-19 but subsequently died of unrelated causes, their death would still be counted as part of PHE’s daily coronavirus death tally.
In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, you are assumed to have recovered 28 days after a positive test.
(…) A recent article published by the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM), based at Oxford University, described the “statistical anomaly” which means that “no one can ever recover from COVID-19 in England”.
“It seems that PHE regularly looks for people on the NHS database who have ever tested positive, and simply checks to see if they are still alive or not,” said the article’s authors Professor Yoon Loke, from the University of East Anglia, and Professor Carl Heneghan, from Oxford University.
“PHE does not appear to consider how long ago the COVID test result was, nor whether the person has been successfully treated in hospital and discharged to the community.
“Anyone who has tested COVID positive but subsequently died at a later date of any cause will be included on the PHE COVID death figures.
“By this PHE definition, no one with COVID in England is allowed to ever recover from their illness.
“A patient who has tested positive, but successfully treated and discharged from hospital, will still be counted as a COVID death even if they had a heart attack or were run over by a bus three months later.”
Continue with this story at SKY News
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