UK COLUMN: Daniel McAdams on Twitter’s Official ‘Russian Conspiracy’, Davos Elitism and More

UK Column welcomes guest special Daniel McAdams, Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute, to discuss Twitter’s new official ‘Russian plot’ letter its sending to users, this week’s Davos Summit and elite talking shop, as well as Guardian WWIII fear-mongering, and much more. 
UK Column co-anchor Mike Robinson is joined by guest host Patrick Henningsen with all the top stories internationally. Watch:

START – Davos opens today: role models for women…?
01:37 – Fake news: also on the Davos agenda – Twitter cracking down
14:23 – Davos: ‘We must support the rules based international order’
– Davos: Cyber security – much more data must be shared…
– The Davos Deception: 21st Century Wire article
– British Army chief: Russia is biggest threat to UK since cold war…
– Turkey’s Erdogan rebuffs US over his Afrin adventure
– Renewed EU backing for Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem
– EC: Economic and Financial Affairs Council: ‘International tax…’
– OECD economist: Global financial system showing danger signs…
READ MORE DAVOS NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Davos Files