Turkey: No US Cooperation on Safe Zone/Border Wall Construction Continues & Raqqa

Unsurprisingly the 'kurds' are willing to die to annex Raqqa! First, what should have been obvious..The US and Turkey are NOT WORKING TOGETHER to create safe zones for refugees

The United States is not working Turkey to create a "safe zone;’ for refugees along the Turkish-Syrian border for refugees fleeing the Syrian civil war, the Department of Defense spokesperson Adrian J.T. Rankine-Galloway told Sputnik.

"At this time, we are not working with Turkey at this time to create a ‘safe zone’ along the border," Rankine-Galloway said on Wednesday. "We do not think a safe zone would resolve the fundamental issues on the ground because there continues to be fighting on the ground."

This is a subject that has been reported on more then once. Since the US and it's kurdish proxies are interested in annexing territory and ethnically cleansing arabs- it should seem obvious to all that creating a safe zone to impede this agenda is not in the cards. The Turkish/Syrian border wall construction continues on..Noticed Turkey’s wall was in the news again yesterday... Why is it the north american/european media, alt and main stream is completely ignoring the construction of the wall?Is it so their NATO friendly dis/mis info can be pushed? If you ignore the wall construction you can allege Turkey is expansionist and out to take Syria's territory BUT a 900 km long border wall under construction, to secure their own border, seems to contradict those assertions A YPG fighter walks along the Turkish-Syria border wall (AFP)TASS:Turkey plans to complete construction of wall on border with Syria in 2017Middle East Eye: Turkey is just months away from completing the 900 km border wall

ISTANBUL, Turkey – Turkey plans to complete the construction of a huge, permanent wall sealing off its entire 900-km long border with Syria by early next year, the Turkish defence minister confirmed during a visit to the border on Wednesday.Fikri Isik made the announcement during an inspection tour of military personnel and installations in the southern Turkish province of Hatay on the border with Syria.“We plan to build a wall along our entire border with Syria by the first half of next year,” said Isik.He said the 900km wall would be part of Turkey’s “integrated security project”.

 September 28/ 2016: Turkey to Complete Syrian Border Wall Within 5 Months

  August 29/2016 : Turkey’s Border Wall with SyriaKurds Willing to Die to Annex RaqqaAnd ethnically cleanse more Arabs... Which shouldn’t really come as a surprise to readers here. Remaking the middle east. Oil. Water. Electricity. Raqqa has it. The US BACKED Kurdish terrorists want it. As do their American & Israel benefactors.Will Turkey enter Raqqa alone?The US won't support them. But I  suspect the US wants them to enter so they will become over extended and weakened.  In other words, yes, I'm suggesting the US and their Kurdish proxies are creating the conditions for Turkey in Raqqa that could see Turkey 'get in over it's head'Syria, Russia and Iran had better pick up the slack on Raqqa or Syria will be much worse off in the long run!  Turkey can build their border wall and defend the territory they have presently.Kurds will be the only force, supported by the Americans, to annex Raqqa.

U.S. officials have said they hope to start an offensive against Islamic State in Raqqa within weeks, and have said that the SDF will play a big role, but Washington's ally Turkey has also insisted that it take part in the operation."The Syrian Democratic Forces are the only force that will take part in the operation to liberate Raqqa and we informed the (international U.S.-led) coalition forces that we reject any Turkish role in the Raqqa liberation operation," SDF spokesman Talal Silo told Reuters.

Ankara is dismayed at the prominent role in the SDF played by the Kurdish YPG militia, which it sees as a front for the Kurdistan Workers Party that has waged a three-decade insurgency inside Turkey.Since it was formed in early 2015, the SDF has seized large swathes of territory along the Syria-Turkey border from Islamic State and pushed the jihadist group back to within 30km (18 miles) of Raqqa.

LinkThe Kurdish forces masquerading behind the SDF brand have seized large swathes of SYRIAN territory- Notice Reuters left that important piece of information out? Which is why the territory annexed is along the Syrian Turkish border... Because it’s Syrian territory. Syria doesn’t recognize the annexation of it’s territoryRaqqa is necessary for the joining of Iraqi and Syrian territory into one unified Greater Kurdistan aka Israel 2.0Iranian Kurds fighting in Iraq

"There is one Kurdistan," he says as the sun breaks through. "Our enemies divided us between four countries, but we want to be united. We are nationalists and want one democratic Kurdistan."

Your enemies never divided you... nice meme, but, not factual. Iranian Kurds fight in Iraq. In Syria. Same as Turkish Kurds- fighting in Syria- all pkk affiliatesRelated: