The TRUTH About President Drumpf's Ban On Immigration: It Was Written And Signed Into Law Under Soetoro's Regime, And To The Liars In The Media: Spare Us All The Theatrics!

It is so amazing as to what has been happening in the United States over the last few days... Incoming President Donald Drumpf has made good on several of his key platforms in his election campaign, and the crybaby so called "Liberals" across America are absolutely in a tailspin over this President actually doing what is necessary to try to "Make America Great Again"....I too have been watching the liars in the Jew spew media as they spew their lies after countless lies about Drumpf and his policies.... It does make anyone that actually still watches their garbage to turn away in disgust and seek the real truths via the alternative media.... And of course for the last few days, the liars in the media have turned their venom against Drumpf into overdrive as he has come out and has via Executive Orders made it illegal to any immigrants from 7 key nations in North Africa and the Middle East to travel to, or even try to immigrate into the United States....There have been so many that have found new "outrage" against Donald in regards to his "passage" of what is claimed to be a new "immigration law"...BUT of course we are NOT being told the whole story about this "law" and the FACTS that this "law" was already passed very quietly under the previous Soetoro regime.... And to help people properly understand what this "law" is all about and what effect it will indeed have on the United States and the "7 nations" that the law affects, I want to turn once again to the following important report from my fellow Canadian researcher, Penny, who of course writes the blog "Penny For Your Thoughts" at This article, that I have the link to here, covers much of the details that you will definitely not find in the Jew spew media and tells the reality of how President Soetoro quietly passed the bill for this ban well over a year ago!  Readers, look at the following link carefully, and I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:, a reality check... SOMETHING had to be done to curtail the flood of illegal migrant workers (the reality of what these "refugees" truly are...) and what Drumpf has done is just ENFORCE this ban that Soetoro had passed but was unwilling to have it enforced unless his fellow Democratic stooge and murderer, Killary Clinton, became the President.....I can guarantee that if Killary was already in the White House as the liars in the Jew spew media had wanted, then this BAN would have been hailed by those liars as the "right thing to do" and it would have been applauded by the so called "Liberals"... But of course now that Drumpf himself is only enforcing the ban which was already signed into law over a year ago, the Liberals and liars in the Jew spew media are now calling for Donald's head instead!I also want to present the following link to an important article from the Antiwar website, at, that tells the bitter truth about this ban and how it was Soetoro's bill and NOT Donald's.... It also clearly says a message to the Liberal freaks and liars in the Jew spew media that they should spare us all the theatrics and see the truth as to WHO originally wanted this ban!.... Here is the link to that Antiwar article here: Notes:  OK, I again do not fully agree with some of the aspects of this ban of immigration into the United States, but something had to be done to save that nation from the flood of illegals and criminals that was indeed crossing their borders with impunity....And lets face the truth here.. This is a ban for 30 days only... I am so surprised that the liars in the Jew spew media has been crying the blues saying that the ban is somehow permanent and screaming that the world is somehow about to end,  when it is ONLY for 30 freaking days!  But again you will never see that truth from these liars as they still try to put their fangs into Drumpf and his policies...And as Penny shows, it is being done purposely to whip up more dissension in America itself!And yes, there is so much outcry about how this ban that Barry Soetoro actually signed into law focuses in on 7 nations in the Middle East in particular and yet leaves so many out.... One major headache that the ban in my opinion should have a bullseye on is of course the criminal state of Israel that has created so much of the refugee situation that we see today!  But again, that nation will continue to send its agents and misfits to the US with no action from the US Government....The bottom line is this... There will always be some die hard crybabies across America that will not like these type of bans on immigration.... But those fools have not come forward with any alternative for the present time and something had to be done immediately to slam the door in the flooding of these illegal migrant workers (This is what most of them are.. They are NOT "refugees" at all!) coming into America.... A long term solution is needed, but at present until one is actually created this ban stays in place...More to comeNTS