The Truth About The "Most Moral" Force On The Planet: IDF Officer Promotional Examination!

It has been a while since I last posted an article here at this blog that was focused specifically on the criminal and psychotic state of Israel and their actions against the people that had the true rights to the land that the Jews have stolen to create that psycho state...The Palestinians..... Therefore I do have some catching up to do....I came across the following report that has been posted at Greg Bacon's website: "Goon Squad" at, and it does paint a true picture of the criminals that call themselves falsely the "most moral force" on this planet, the Israeli "Defense" Forces, or IDF for short.... This article is entitled: "IDF Officer Promotional Exam" and is a must read by all of my own readers... Though meant as a joke, the information is absolutely true and disturbing... I have that article here and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow:

Monday, January 11, 2016

IDF Officer Promotional Exam

1.) Your unit is engaged in a 'peacekeeping' operation in Gaza, when you notice a building that has withstood IAF carpet bombing. The building seems to be filled with wounded Gazans, mostly women and children.What do you do?A) Radio the IAF and have them send in a flight of American built and supplied free of charge F16's to finish the job.B) Radio the IAF and have them send in a flight of American built and supplied free of charge Apache helicopters so they can use their Gatling guns and level the structure.C) Call an IDF artillery barrage down on the building.D) All of the above. 2.) IDF Command is needing an 'excuse' to invade southern Lebanon. Your unit today consists of your trusted Ashkenazi First Sergeant and 6 Ethiopian grunts that have been temporarily detailed to your squad.Your unit sneaks into southern Lebanon, but meets no roving patrols that you would allow to 'kidnap' the Ethiopians.What do you do?A) Slit the throats of the Ethiopian IDF troops and scrawl Arabic symbols on their bodies, then make an 'anonymous' call to our friend at the CNN Tel Aviv bureau.B) Machine gun the Ethiopian IDF troops and leave the AK47's used for the task behind, then make an 'anonymous' call to our friend at the CNN Tel Aviv bureau.C) Dress up like Arabs and sneak back into Israel, find the nearest village and shoot a few of the Jewish inhabitants while recording the vicious 'Arab' attack against peace loving Jews on your cell phone and make an 'anonymous' call to our friend at the CNN Tel Aviv bureau.D) All of the above. 3.) Your squad has been dispatched into southern Lebanon to setup and fire some Shin Bet made bottle rockets back into Israel. You notice two elderly Lebanese several hills over, picking olives.However, nothing is ever as it seems and we all know you can't trust the Lebanese.What do you do?A) Radio the IAF and have them send in a flight ofAmerican built and supplied free of charge F16's to eliminate the Lebanese spies.B) Radio the IAF and have them send in a flight of American built and supplied free of charge Apache helicopters so they can use their Gatling guns and take out the sneaky Lebanese saboteurs.C) Call an IDF artillery barrage down on the orchard.D) All of the above. 4.) Your squad has been detailed to riot control in the West Bank. When manning your post, you notice several Hasidic Rabbis leading a large crowd of 'peace' loving Chosen Ones carrying baseball bats, axe handles and M16's. They set upon a Palestinian farmer's house and drag the residents outside, where they start beating them and setting fire to their olive groves.What would you do?A) Let your squad continue on with the day's entertainment; the rape of a 15 yo Palestinian girl.B) Tune in your IDF issued comm radio to a soccer match.C) Pass out cigarettes to your squad that is taking a break from the festivities.D) All of the above. 5.) While pulling a 24 hour tour of duty in a guard tower situated on the West Bank security fence, you notice thru your binoculars about a kilometer away several Arab shepherds, appearing to be tending their flocks.Since nothing is what it seems and Palestinians are not to be trusted, what do you do?A) Radio the IAF and have them send in a flight of American built and supplied free of charge F16's to eliminate the Palestinian spies.B) Radio the IAF and have them send in a flight of American built and supplied free of charge Apache helicopters so they can use their Gatling guns and take out the sneaky Palestinian saboteurs.C) Call an IDF artillery barrage down on the shepherds and their flock of suicide-vested sheep.D) All of the above. 6.) You are in charge of a hand-picked unit that has setup a sniper post in the Golan Heights, with orders to shoot anything that moves across the border in Syria. While faithfully carrying out your orders, you realize a busload of Palestinian school kids have somehow crept up on you and have been observing your unit carrying out its glorious orders. Since nothing is what it appears to be and we all know Palestinian schoolchildren can't be trusted, what do you do?A) Radio the IAF and have them send in a flight of American built and supplied free of charge F16's to eliminate the spying schoolchildren.B) Radio the IAF and have them send in a flight of American built and supplied free of charge Apache helicopters so they can use their Gatling guns and take out the sneaky 5th grade saboteurs.C) Call an IDF artillery barrage down on the school bus and its inhabitants.D) All of the above. 7.) Our country is being sabotaged by a sneaky US president who dare utter a word repugnant to Israeli's, peace. The IDF has been tasked to eliminate all talk of peace in the ME.What would you do?A) Kidnap a West Bank teenager, shot him full of drugs, strap an Israeli made suicide vest on him and turn him loose in a crowded market and detonate the device.B) Kidnap a Gazan truck driver and his vehicle and shoot him full of drugs. Pack the vehicle with high explosive and tie the drugged driver to the steering wheel. Using your GPS remote driver device, steer the dynamite laden truck into a crowded market place full of G-d's Chosen and detonate the device.C) Dress your unit up like they were West Bank Arabs. With the Shin Bet providing cover, charge into a crowded market and shoot up the place, shouting Allah Akbar, then retreat under Shin Bet cover fire and leave the AK47's used behind on some dead Palestinians that were harvested from one of our jails.D) All of the above. If you have correctly answered D to all of the above questions, then you have passed the IDF Officer Exam and will soon be commanding a front line unit in our never ending war against the Untermenschen!!Congratulations on becoming an officer in the world's 'Most Moral Army!' Posted by Greg Baconat 11:10 AMNTS Notes: The real sad part is the answers to each question is actually quite factual and truly do blow holes in the lie that the IDF is somehow the "most moral" army on the planet....But again it figures that the Jew spew media constantly promotes and brainwashes people with the falsehood that the IDF has constantly been fighting both "terrorists" and "radicals"... But the facts are that the IDF has absolutely been brutal in its handling of innocent people, primarily the Palestinians.....The job of the IDF has always been to crack down and kill as many of these people as possible... And when they do get caught in their acts of genocide, the criminal Israeli government absolutely does its job in finding these lunatics not guilty in their criminal actions.... So much for being the "most moral" fighting force on the planet!More to comeNTS