Trump's Swampy Cabinet Is Even More Disliked By Voters Than He Is

The latest Morning Consult poll for Politico asked participants what they think of each Trump Regime cabinet member. First they asked if the voter approves or disapproves of Señor Trumpanzee himself:

• Strongly approve- 22%• Somewhat approve- 21%• Somewhat disapprove- 15%• Strongly disapprove- 39%

So a majority-- 54%-- disapproves. When asked who they would vote for in the 2018 midterm elections for Congress were held today, 42% said a Democrat and 38% said a Republican. Then they tested top level members of the Regime. Most of the are operating under the radar and the people polled mostly have no opinion of them, either because they have never heard of them or don't have enough information to have an opinion. The ones they do know, they mostly dislike:Jeff Sessions, Attorney General:

• Very favorable- 13%• Somewhat favorable- 21%• Somewhat unfavorable- 13%• Very unfavorable- 25%• Heard of, no opinion- 16%• Never heard of- 12%

Tom Price, Secretary of Health and Human Services:

• Very favorable- 10%• Somewhat favorable- 15%• Somewhat unfavorable- 9%• Very unfavorable- 16%• Heard of, no opinion- 22%• Never heard of- 28%

Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State:

• Very favorable- 15%• Somewhat favorable- 20%• Somewhat unfavorable- 13%• Very unfavorable- 15%• Heard of, no opinion- 18%• Never heard of- 19%

Steve Mnuchin, Secretary of the Treasury:

• Very favorable- 9%• Somewhat favorable- 17%• Somewhat unfavorable- 10%• Very unfavorable- 19%• Heard of, no opinion- 21%• Never heard of- 24%

James Mattis, Secretary of Defense:

• Very favorable- 20%• Somewhat favorable- 20%• Somewhat unfavorable- 9%• Very unfavorable- 10%• Heard of, no opinion- 19%• Never heard of- 22%

Ryan Zinke, Secretary of the Interior:

• Very favorable- 8%• Somewhat favorable- 13%• Somewhat unfavorable- 8%• Very unfavorable- 14%• Heard of, no opinion- 22%• Never heard of- 34%

Sonny Perdue, Secretary of Agriculture:

• Very favorable- 8%• Somewhat favorable- 16%• Somewhat unfavorable- 8%• Very unfavorable- 12%• Heard of, no opinion- 23%• Never heard of- 33%

Wilbur Ross, Secretary of Commerce:

• Very favorable- 9%• Somewhat favorable- 14%• Somewhat unfavorable- 7%• Very unfavorable- 12%• Heard of, no opinion- 23%• Never heard of- 34%

Ben Carson, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development:

• Very favorable- 21%• Somewhat favorable- 21%• Somewhat unfavorable- 9%• Very unfavorable- 22%• Heard of, no opinion- 16%• Never heard of- 11%

Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation and Mitch McConnell's beard

• Very favorable- 9%• Somewhat favorable- 16%• Somewhat unfavorable- 9%• Very unfavorable- 12%• Heard of, no opinion-23%• Never heard of- 31%

Rick Perry, Secretary of Energy (and closet queen):

• Very favorable- 10%• Somewhat favorable- 19%• Somewhat unfavorable- 12%• Very unfavorable- 20%• Heard of, no opinion- 20%• Never heard of- 18%

Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education:

• Very favorable- 11%• Somewhat favorable- 17%• Somewhat unfavorable- 11%• Very unfavorable- 29%• Heard of, no opinion- 14%• Never heard of- 18%

David Shulkin, Secretary of Veterans Affairs:

• Very favorable- 10%• Somewhat favorable- 17%• Somewhat unfavorable- 8%• Very unfavorable- 11%• Heard of, no opinion- 22%• Never heard of- 31%

John Kelly, White House Chief of Staff

• Very favorable- 16%• Somewhat favorable- 23%• Somewhat unfavorable- 10%• Very unfavorable- 12%• Heard of, no opinion- 21%• Never heard of- 18%

Odd they didn't ask about EPA administrator Scott Pruitt, who surely would have scored even worse than DeVos, the least liked Trump cabinet member of those polled. A majority (57%) have either heard very little or nothing about Tom Price chartering private plans to go anywhere further than down the hall to pee. And when they probed a little further with 2 more questions, it didn't go well for the crooked Price:Then they ran favorable/unfavorable on various political leaders:Mitch McConnell:

• Favorable- 19%• Unfavorable- 50%• Never heard of- 30%

Paul Ryan, who is up for reelection in 2018

• Favorable- 31%• Unfavorable- 50%• Never heard o- 19%

Nancy Pelosi, who has a strong primary challenge in 2018

• Favorable- 31%• Unfavorable- 50%• Never heard of- 19%

Chuck Schumer, a Wall Street whore

• Favorable- 28%• Unfavorable- 35%• Never heard of- 37%

Mike Pence

• Favorable- 45%• Unfavorable- 40%• Never heard of- 14%

Ivanka Trumpanzee

• Favorable- 43%• Unfavorable- 42%• Never heard of- 15%

Jared Kushner-in-law:

• Favorable- 24%• Unfavorable- 43%• Never heard of- 33%

Steve Bannon:

• Favorable- 18%• Unfavorable- 47%• Never heard of- 35%

Gary Cohn:

• Favorable- 14%• Unfavorable- 25%• Never heard of 61%

Kellyanne Conway:

• Favorable- 28%• Unfavorable- 43%• Never heard of- 30%

Robert Mueller:

• Favorable- 30%• Unfavorable- 28%• Never heard of- 43%