Trump's Most Repulsive Pandemic Utterance

Trump has said a lot of things I find disgusting but the one that really got to me was when he accused pandemic healthcare providers of stealing supplies and selling them "out the back door." He's such a horrible, horrible excuse for a human being. These men and women are risking their lives to do their duty, which is more than anyone can truthfully say about that slob. Some of them have died; Trump, unfortunately, hasn't. Why would he accuse them of such a thing? Obviously because it would be exactly what he would do.Healthcare workers are not stealing masks, PPE, ventilators and equipment from hospitals. And the American Federation of Teachers, in a show of solidarity with nurses-- 200,000 of whom are members of the AFT, produced the ad above ("Thieves") and started running it on CNN, MSNBC, Fox and online yesterday.AFT President Randi Weingarten: "Frontline workers are caring for Americans during this unprecedented pandemic and are risking their own health and the lives of their patients. They are sick and tired of being lied to by this incompetent president who has bungled his response to the crisis from day one. Our healthcare heroes are calling him out for his odious suggestion they are somehow thieves and demanding that he does his job as they do theirs. We now know six to eight weeks of preparation were lost in the president’s dismissal and denial of the pandemic. The least he could do right now is use every lever of government to get healthcare professionals the PPE they desperately need, so they can help others. Trump calls himself a wartime president, but our states don’t have the funds or testing they need, and our hospitals and healthcare professionals remain dangerously ill-equipped to tackle this pandemic. His refusal to do his job means our heroes will remain exposed and at risk. That’s why they’re fighting back and placing the blame where it’s deserved."