Trump Rebuffed AGAIN-- Congress Likes Adam Schiff More Than Him

"It will be said of House Republicans, when they found they lacked the courage to confront the most dangerous and unethical president in American history, they consoled themselves by attacking those who did."Not even Señor Trumpanzee is stupid enough to have imagined the House was going to censure Adam Schiff today-- to censure him for doing a good job on Trump's impeachment. For the GOP it was just stagecraft and fundraising inside their moronic Fox-bubble-base. This was one of Trumpy-the-Clown's endless tirades about Schiff, who he has managed to transform into a hero for over half the country:I live in Schiff's district, CA-28. When Trump ran in 2016, he managed to do significantly worse than McCain (26.0%) or Romney (26.5%), winning just a miserable 22.3% of the vote. This cycle, he's so universally despised here that he'll be very lucky to break 20%. There are homemade anti-Trump signs up on my block, including some inventive and artistic ones made by school children! On the same day Señor Trumpanzee took 22.3% of the vote, Schiff won 77.9%. Last year, after just one year of Trumpism, Schiff won 78.4%.This evening, Democrats derailed the Republican censure motion, tabling it 218-185 and turning it into a less easy-to-understand process vote. Far right freak show and Putin ally, Andy Biggs (AZ-04, who represents a super-reactionary central and western Arizona red hellhole-- R+21) just drips with hatred and extremism and has never accomplished anything since being elected to Congress. So today was his big day... until it wasn't. Biggs and Trump can howl at the moon and screech into their own shared darkness all they want that Schiff is "corrupt," but the voters know full well that Trump is the most corrupt politician in the history of our country and that he and his pathetic enablers, like Biggs, disgrace the country with every breath they draw.Trump was watching closely-- or as closely as someone strung out on Adderall can-- to see if any Republicans took Schiff's side. Idependent Justin Amash voted with the Democrats and several Republicans missed the vote, including some who want nothing to do with Trump, like Francis Rooney (FL) and Fred Upton (MI). Today he was publicly demanding that Republicans defend him more robustly and with far greater vigor-- and as though they really mean it. He retweeted this hilarious whip count early today: