Trump: Israel Should Pay for American Defense

Shortly before he put on a disgusting display of slavish obedience to AIPAC and the organized Jewish community, pledging unswerving support for the Jewish state of Israel as all American politicians are wont to do, Donald Trump told reporters during a press conference in Washington, D.C. that Israel (as well as other U.S. “allies”) should pay for American defense spending. The Times of Israel reports:

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Monday he believes Israel should pay for defense aid it receives from the US, hours before he was slated to give a speech at the pro-Israel AIPAC policy conference.
During a press conference in Washington, Trump was asked whether he believed the Israeli government should pay for American defense, as he had called for other US allies such as South Korea, Japan and Saudi Arabia to do.
“I think Israel will do that also, yeah, I think Israel do—there are many countries that can pay and they can pay big league,” responded the billionaire businessman.
He spent most of his statement focused on the other countries, saying calling in debts would help “build wealth.” […]
Trump’s statement was an apparent break with a decades-old Washington policy to maintain a special security relationship with Israel, and came as Israel and the US are negotiating a new defense package said to be worth tens of billions of dollars over 10 years. […]

Very interesting comments, especially in light of his cringe worthy speech at the AIPAC Policy Conference the other night. Watch the entire speech below:

I wasn’t surprised by anything Trump said in his speech. I was just disappointed. How can Trump claim he wants to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain and put America first when it comes to trade, immigration, and foreign policy while at the same time pledging unwavering support to a hostile foreign entity and group of people who are largely responsible for the disastrous state of affairs in America today?
As I’ve repeatedly emphasized here and during podcast programs and other radio programs I appear as a guest on, the only issue that matters in this election is immigration. And, at the very least, Donald Trump has made some very powerful statements and public policy proposals relating to immigration that I totally support. For that alone, Trump is worth supporting. However, if we really want our country back, we have got to #DumpIsrael and the organized Jewish community and stop blindly supporting these people.
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