Trump calls Putin. Pledges the “full support” of Washington to Moscow

After eight years of Barack Obama demonizing Russia, while weaponizing ISIS, it now appears (on the surface of things) that US President Trump is very serious about taking out ISIS…in coordination with Russia.
Yesterday’s St, Petersburg metro attack, while not fully confirmed, has all the hallmarks of a terrorist strike motivated by “radical islamic terrorists”, which will only work to strengthen Trump and Putin’s resolve in defeating ISIS in Syria and elsewhere.
Yesterday President Trump called President Putin to express his condolences over the bombing of the St. Petersburg Metro that has killed at least 14 people.
The Kremlin is reporting that both leaders agreed that Russia and the US should be fighting terrorism together.
Kremlin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said…

“Trump has extended his deep condolences to the relatives and loved ones of those killed as result of a barbaric terrorist act.”
“The presidents noted that terrorism is the evil against which it is necessary to fight together.”

Putin thanked US President Trump for showing solidarity with the Russian people.
A White House statement noted that “both President Trump and President Putin agreed that terrorism must be decisively and quickly defeated.”
RT reports that the Trump Administration pledged the “full support” of Washington to Moscow in “responding to the attack and bringing those responsible to justice.”

As the news on the blast broke, Trump was one of the first world leaders to express his sympathies calling the suspected attack “a terrible thing.”
The blast rocked a metro carriage on Monday afternoon as the train was making its way between two central stations, injuring over 50 people. Eleven deaths have been confirmed so far.
Putin was in St. Petersburg at the time of the attack, where he had earlier arrived for the All-Russia People’s Front media forum and to meet with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. In the immediate aftermath of the explosion, the Russian president stated that “all variants” were being considered in the investigation, but investigating a terrorist motive has been prioritized.

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