The Tortured “Confession” of IBRAGIM TODASHEV released (Only evidence of Tsarnaev guilt?)

Just before an FBI agent shot (unarmed) Ibragim Todashev dead, according to a report released Tuesday, Todashev had begun to write a confession—implicating himself and Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev in a 2011 triple homicide in Waltham that had long gone unsolved.
Boston Magazine
As part of the report, Florida State Attorney Jeff Ashton released a redacted photo of the confession, which he said took up “3/4 of a piece of paper.”
Boston magazine has obtained what it believes to be an unredacted photo of the same notepad with what appears to be Ibragim Todashev’s unfinished confession.
The two photos clearly show the same pad of paper—you can see a drop of blood on the bottom of both. The carpet underneath is also flecked in the same spots in both images, and the paper is crinkled in the same spot in each image.

Though blurry and occasionally illegible, much of the handwritten document can be made out:
I wanna tell the story about the robbery
me and Tam did in Waltham in September
of 2011. That was [?] by Tamerlan.
[?] [?] he [?] to me to rob
the drug dealers. We went to their
house we got in there and Tam had
a gun he pointed it [?] the guy that
opened the door for us [?]
we went upstairs into the house
[?] 3 guys in there [?] we put them
on the ground and then we [?]
[?] taped their hands up
The victims of the 2011 slaying, Brendan Mess, 25, Erik Weissman, 31, and Raphael Teken, 37, were discovered on September 12, 2011 in Mess’s apartment at 12 Harding Avenue in Waltham. The case remains open.

