Topic :Genetics


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Is the "genome" the same in every cell?
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Now that we know that the genome changes and development without a cell nucleus (which is supposed to contain the blueprint of life) is possible, we ask ourselves whether the genome is the same in every cell within an organism.
What is written about it?
( German)
"All cells of an organism have the same genetic information. At least theoretically. In practice there are considerable differences, because different mutations and epigenetic differences can occur in every cell."
( German)
""Human chimera" is a person who has different genetic makeup."
3️⃣New York Times:
"But over the course of decades, it has become clear that the genome doesn't just vary from person to person. It also varies from cell to cell."
"DNA Not The Same In Every Cell Of Body: Major Genetic Differences Between Blood And Tissue Cells Revealed"
5️⃣Süddeutsche Zeitung:
( German)
"People have multiple genetic identities - because the cells in the body don't all have the same hereditary information."
Have fun with the Human Genome Project & Co.


topic genetics
Excerpts from an explosive article by Deutschlandfunk:
"Martin Lercher: "Every single person does not have a genome, but billions of different genomes, which are all very similar, much more closely than my genome is now like your genome, but which are not identical."
"Normally, a DNA mishmash from many cells gets into the sequencing machines."
"Lercher: "We all started with a genome, but this genome then had to be duplicated billions of times. A copy had to be made for every cell in our body. And because this copying process is extremely precise, it is not one hundred percent accurate, errors are always built in"
"The copying errors in the genome are called mutations."
The more closely the researchers look into the genome of individual cells, the more they discover. And they wonder. The genetic material is constantly in motion.
Back in the 1940s, the botanist and geneticist Barbara McClintock noticed jumping genes.
To get an overview, Fred Gage took a closer look at the genomes of individual nerve cells - and compared them with each other:
"If you examine the brain tissue of a deceased person and look at the genome of two neighboring neurons, you will discover significant differences between the two cells in half of all examinations."
He started to brood and still broods to this day.
Genes that are not inherited seem like a contradiction in terms. After all, they are originally and by definition units of inheritance.
It is possible that many brain diseases are directly or indirectly related to local genetic changes. Fred Gage is certain: they cannot be detected in blood or saliva.
The textbooks need to be rewritten. again. The Book of Life does not exist, and even the individual genome is at best a simplification. The human body and especially the brain is a patchwork quilt, a mosaic of genetically different cells. Every cell looks different."

The nucleic acid alone cannot be the complete construction and functional plan of life!
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Experiments with the umbrella alga (Acetabularia) show that the removal of the middle section leads to the formation of an umbrella and "rhizoid" despite the lack of a cell nucleus. This raises questions about the role of the nucleic acid as the sole construction and functional plan.

  • DNA/RNA are not the only carriers of development information. In reality, like all structures and functions involved in life, they obviously serve, perhaps even primarily, to generate energy and maintain the flow of energy.


  • Developmental regulation is complex and goes beyond mere nucleic acids.


  • Despite removal of the cell nucleus, a screen and "rhizoid" forms - inexplicable by genetics alone!


  • Biology continues to hold fascinating unsolved mysteries!

NEXT LEVEL provides explanations for these phenomena.
 Experiment Joachim Hämmerling


Genetics Disproved: The Illusion of the Blueprint - Abuse for Financial Dominance
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There is a serious joke in the world of DNA analysts: if you give 10 analysts the same DNA sample, you get 11 opinions.
Genetics, a once well-established concept in science, is upheld to this day despite its long-debunked basic assumptions. But what are the actual motives behind its continuation?
1. Their misuse aims to patent life and thus gain control of the largest market, the global food industry.
2. The maintenance of Western "supremacy" - an issue that would be lost in a genetics refutation.
But what exactly is epigenetics?
Epigenetics is a miserably failed attempt to perform a balancing act between disproved genetics and actual reality. Erwin Chargaff (Fire of Heraclitus and others) had urgently warned against the deceptive "Mongolian hordes". But from this experience we draw a disturbing realization: With clever marketing through supposedly artistic methods, even such erroneous disinformation can be sold as compelling and meaningful. It shows that the power of marketing far outweighs scientific truth and can lead us down dangerous paths.
The question remains: Is DNA really the blueprint of life?
Definitely NO!
Experiments show that the DNA is not decisive for the structure and function plan of the organism. The "gene data" is nothing more than the current footprint of the individual metabolism. Mind you “rough footprint” and not “identifiable fingerprint”. And they do not allow any conclusions to be drawn as to how the metabolism will develop and behave in the future, or whether one will have a higher risk of cancer or another "disease" in 20 years.
A groundbreaking NEXT LEVEL edition:
In uorder to show the waste of money, the wrong judgment of people and the health dangers caused by the insane belief in genetics and to counteract this abuse, a comprehensive NEXT LEVEL MAGAZINE on the subject of genetics is planned for 2023, which will dispel the widespread myths.
Finally, the following words should be noted by Ritter Sir John Maddox, former editor of the world's most influential journal Nature:
"The West must maintain its leadership in the world, otherwise our culture would disappear. One element of Western hegemony is the belief that we have a superior technology, genetic engineering. If that belief collapsed along with HIV, people's respect and fear would also collapse, and with it, Western supremacy."

What exactly is a "gene"?

  • This question was also taken up by the Zeit article Genome  in dissolution (2008), which said at the beginning:

"Two years ago at the University of California, Berkeley, 25 geneticists sat together to answer the seemingly simple question: What is a gene? However, trying to precisely define the basic concept of their field proved to be extremely difficult. The expert meeting would be almost ended in disaster, remembers Karen Eilbeck, a professor of human genetics at Berkeley and host of the round: "We had meetings that lasted for hours. Everyone was screaming at everyone.""

  • The ORF stated at the end of 2009:

"I believe that the concept of genes has always been in crisis and that it has never lived up to the promise that was made of it. Essentially, for more than a century, it has had the function of advancing research.” German- has translate feature“The gene: A term turns 100 years old“Exactly 100 years ago, the Dane Wilhelm Johannsen introduced the "gene" into biology. Despite all the successes of genetics, the term is accompanied by a paradox: What exactly is to be understood by a gene has not yet been conclusively clarified.” )

  • Alexander von Schwerin (Professor at the TU Braunschweig & researcher at the Max Planck Institute) wrote in an article worth reading in 2009:

"The gene has become a myth used to explain the world. There was very little that genes didn't do to prove the existence of things - things that Mendelian genetics often don't even bother with at first had: Racial characteristics, hereditary diseases, then also differences in behavior, human origins up to the "selfish gene"[..]." German)
Clarity looks different.