Text messages between FBI Russiagate investigators prompts Congressional inquisition

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The Hill reported that Republican-led House and Senate committees have begun to investigate the matter of improper leaking to the news media by senior FBI officials during the course of the investigation by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s team into the allegation of collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russian agencies. The Justice Department reports that there are now a total of 27 ongoing investigations into criminal media leaks.
This matter has largely been kicked off because of a series of text messages between two FBI employees, counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and bureau attorney Lisa Page.  Both agents did not like Donald Trump, and both agents allegedly were involved with each other romantically.  The exchanges between them via text (made so as to not be traced) were united in their disapproval of Trump, and the ideas they shared were aligned with the desire to take him down:

August 2015, Page to Strzok: “I just saw my first Bernie Sander [SIC] bumper sticker. Made me want to key the car.
Strzok to Page: “He’s an idiot like Trump. Figure they cancel each other out.
March 2016 whether Mr. Trump would “be a worse president than (Ted) Cruz?” Page responds, “Trump? Yes, I think so.” Strzok then says Mr. Trump is “awful” and “an idiot.”
In July 2016, the two mock the Trump campaign and Republicans over their convention guests and speakers, including a Duck Dynasty star and Scott Baio. Strzok writes to Page, “Its PATHETIC!”
“HE [Trump] appears to have no ability to experience reverence which I [SIC] the foundation for any capacity to admire or serve anything bigger than self to want to learn about anything beyond self, to want to know and deeply honor the people around you,” Strzok lamented.
Page wrote back, “He’s not ever going to become president, right? Right?”
(Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/peter-strzok-lisa-page-texts-trump-idiot/, edited by this author)

A supremely damning exchange is elicited in the video at this site, but we reprint it below:

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Strzok texted this message to Lisa Page:

Just went to a Southern Virginia Wal-Mart. I could smell the Trump support.

This is not impartial, and these two agents were active in Mueller’s investigation for quite some time.   This kind of exchange was not just incidental, it was constant.  A fuller video is available here:

The entire investigation into the matter of collusion with Russia is a total fabrication.  This is increasingly clear to more and more people in the US and around the world.  However, it seems that it cannot just be dropped, for there is a lot of passion and desire to find something with which to remove the President from office.
The Congressional committees are getting involved in investigating the matter of these and other agents leaking information about the investigation to the news media. These leaks are alleged to have helped create a false narrative about the President’s campaign and the activities in his administration over the first several months, and there are players in this besides Strzok and Page.
For example, former FBI Director James Comey admitted arranging a leak to the press after he was fired by President Trump last spring – the intention being to prompt a special prosecutor appointment.
The FBI is purposed to investigate crimes in a fair and impartial manner.  Such communication and activity as shown here in just a tiny part, reveals the Mueller “investigation” to be nothing more than a witch hunt – a useless waste of resources and time, and exceedingly dishonorable in its intent and practice.  This, in a group being led by a man with supposedly impeccable integrity.
One wonders what will be revealed next.

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