TBR Radio Exclusive: Mike Walsh-McLaughlin – The Rise Of The Sunwheel

In today’s show originally broadcast on August 11 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Mike Walsh-McLaughlin on his new biographical book, “The Rise Of The Sunwheel.”
Andrew introduced the show by reading the summary from the back of the book. He then got into the first section he had marked up for discussion regarding how ships seized from the Germans at the end of World War II were actually used to bring immigration from the Caribbean into Britain.
Mike said that this indeed was true, and how he was initially amazed during his time as a merchant seaman, to meet many British ex-servicemen who became prisoners of war in Germany, none of which had anything bad to say about their German counterparts. To a man they all told Mike that they were treated well by the Germans and indeed spoke very highly of them.
In the book Mike gives a lengthy account on the activities of self-styled Nationalist Leader, Colin Jordan, who Andrew said he did not trust and felt was put in place to destabilise the Nationalist movement.
Andrew read out a passage from Mike’s book on Jordan’s background at Cambridge University, and how from there he made ever effort to join as many Nationalist organisations as he could. Jordan whilst also claiming to be an adherent of Adolf Hitler, was extremely hostile to the Christian faith and was contemptuous of those who believed in Jesus Christ.
Mike said that there was so much evidence of Jordan’s position in Nationalism being that of a destabilising force, that no court would fail to convict him of such. Indeed Mike recalls a fellow Nationalist, John Tyndall, once telling him that he had a story about Colin Jordan, that would have literally proved all of Mike’s suspicions about this man, but sadly John died suddenly before he had the opportunity to relate this to Mike.
Andrew then spoke about the part of the book where Nationalist leader, Oswald Mosley, had set up an arrangement with West Indian immigrants, whereby they would return to the West Indies in exchange for a financial inducement, which they could then use to buy a home and set up a business there. This would have reversed the flow of Caribbean immigration.
Before this plan could take fruit Colin Jordan became an inflammatory provocateur during the Notting Hill Race Riots of 1958, leading to a West Indian immigrant’s death, and driving a wedge between Oswald Mosley’s Union Movement and the West Indian community.
Mike said as a result of Colin Jordan’s actions, Oswald Mosley referred to Jordan as, “a midget trying to walk in the boots of giants.”
Mike also went into details of a couple of instances in which Colin Jordan tried to get him into trouble, one of which resulted in a hefty fine which Mike was forced to pay alone, with no help from Jordan.
Andrew mentioned the rapport Mike developed with fellow Race-Patriots over the years including: James K. Warner; Dr. Ed Fields; Gerhard Lauck; Ernst Zundel; J. B. Stoner; Willis Carto; and David Duke. Andy asked of his recollections of David Duke and what Mike’s thoughts are of his forthcoming campaign to run for the U.S. Senate.
Mike said David Duke was one of the nicest guys he had met in the Nationalist movement, and he was very pleased David was running for the Senate.
Andrew then asked Mike to give names of the unsung heroes of our movement, as these people are so often forgotten.
Mike went through a roll-call of Nationalist supporters he had met over the years, some of which had passed and some of which are still with us, with which he then closed out the show.
