TBR Radio Exclusive: Mike Walsh-McLaughlin – Rhodesia’s Death Europe’s Funeral

In today’s show originally broadcast on September 12 2016, TBR Radio’s Andrew Carrington Hitchcock interviews Mike Walsh-McLaughlin on his new book, “Rhodesia’s Death Europe’s Funeral.”
Mike went through various aspects of the book, notably: the human horror of de-colonisation; how Wall Street and London’s duplicity is directly connected to Rhodesia’s downfall; how the Rhodesian calamity is one domino in a century’s long conspiracy to put the White World in a head lock; and how the downfall of Rhodesia was not an isolated incident but a time bomb under modern Europe.
We also discussed: how the African National Congress (ANC) killed nearly 50 times as many black people under apartheid, than the South African apartheid government; how what is going on in Zimbabwe and South Africa is part of the global plan of white genocide; the role of white race traitors in this genocide; and the Jewish lobby behind this.
