Talal Silo Spills the Beans " SDF created as cover to arm PKK"

via SputnikThe vindication just keeps a comin’ and a comin’- Love it! And please do not insult my intelligence by coming here and suggesting Mr Silo is only saying this because he fled to Turkey. Or that Turkey is coercing him. What he is stating has been obvious to me for years now. And I’ve written repeatedly about the arms shuffle as obfuscation to PKK/YPG. And there has been abundant proof of the connection between YPG/PKK. Lots of it is posted right here at this blogNovember 2014- More then three years have passed since this post , Kurd/ISIS Symbiosis and the Impending Destruction of Turkey

“One of the many political complications facing the U.S. in the arrangement is that these Kurdish fighters—an offshoot of a group designated by the U.S. and Turkey as a terror organization—want to keep control of the territory they have seized to create their own vision of a utopian society.

Talal Silo talks

The former spokesperson of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Talal Silo, who previously fled to Turkey, (Is he still in Turkey?) told the Anadolu news agency on Saturday that the rebel group was allegedly created by the US as a cover to provide weapons to the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) that is thought to be affiliated with the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) listed as a terrorist organization by Ankara.

The PKK is a listed terror organization in many other nations. Including the US!

"It is only a name. Nothing else. We take everything, including our salaries, from YPG. The U.S. authorities wanted to give arms to Kurds. The announcement of SDF's establishment was only a drama. The US gave the leadership to the Kurds and PKK," Silo told the agency.

Leadership to the PKK. To a known and recognized global terror entity

Thus, according to Silo, the coalition provided huge amounts of arms, but only a small part of them went to the Arabs, Turkmens and Assyrians, with all the schemes having been created to "cover that these arms were actually delivered to the PKK. But we were sure that these advanced arms were going to PKK and YPG."

According to him, the SDF was just signing documents to receive arms, but all of them went to the PKK. At the same time, despite talks about fighting terrorism, the US was trafficking Daesh terrorists via an agreement reached with the regional PKK leader.

KurdIShIS.... Requoting from my 2014 post, linked above:

 PKK as Stay Behind Army Checklist1-Keeping Turkish leadership in check- Yup2-Involved in bombings etc., to terrorize the population and leadership into compliance- Yup
The PKK continued to demonstrate its nationwide reach with typical tactics and techniques that included ambushes of military patrols in the countryside, improvised explosive devices (IEDs) along known military or police routes and bombings of both security and civilian targets in urban areas.

It seems terrorism does have it's rewards. At least for the PKK. So, what does that suggest to us about the backers of the PKK?3- The leader of the PKK stinks to high heaven of a CIA/NATO asset. The man at the forefront of the PKK stay behind has always been Ocalan- He has been ensconced safely in the embrace of the Turkish deep state and the CIA- Imprisoned but influential still.WSJ-

“The PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan was captured by the Central Intelligence Agency and Turkish security forces in 1999. He remains in prison but his influence over followers, including YPG fighters, is unbroken.

The slogan of YPG fighters translates to “there’s no life without the leader,” referring to Mr. Ocalan. A large poster of him hangs at the command center here, next to a photo of Kurdish fighters at a military parade”

 So influential that he actually threatened Turkish leaders regarding Kobane/i

Link and quote - Ocalan- "Should this massacre attempt succeed (in Kobane), it will both bring an end to the ongoing process of resolution and lay the foundations for a new coup that will last long,” 

How is it that Ocalan can threaten an overthrow of the Turkish government while being held allegedly like a criminal, and get away with it? Clearly he is protected as he visits with influential Kurdish politicians from his 'prison cell" So, connected to 'all the right people'? YUP!Like I said PKK/YPG = Left behind army or Gladio if you please?

“YPG/PKK commanders and senior political leaders affiliated with the group said they were eager to join the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State in return for recognition and support from Washington and its allies for the Kurdish-dominated self-rule administrations they have established in northern Syria. The ruling groups have already set up courts, passed laws and tapped oil revenues in the region, which is also populated by Syrian Arabs and Christians.

Is it clear to all the reasoning behind Google's harsh censorship of my blog?! 

There will be a part two on that Google censorship topic! 

From yesterday:

Turkey Issues Arrest Warrant for CIA’s Graham Fuller