The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: US Finally Admits "Boots On The Ground" In Syria! This Will Not End Well...

Many people remember when the criminal US President Barry Soetoro stated a few years back that he had NO intention of committing US soldiers directly into the "civil war" in Syria... And since that time there has been many US criminal politicians that have stated emphatically that the US would absolutely NOT send any American men or women to get involved in the war in Syria....That has been official US policy in regards to Syria, or so these liars have long claimed...It has been a fact now that the US created this "civil war" in Syria in the first place as part of their insidious plan to both have Syria destroyed and to have it broken up into smaller nations... The US government's masters in Tel Aviv have long demanded that their minions have every nation surrounding Israel conquered and/or destroyed to allow for the psychotic Jewish state to "expand" as part of their most evil "Greater Israel" project... This was also laid out clearly when former General Wesley Clark stated how the US was to have 7 nations destroyed in the following 5 years after the Israeli Mossad attacks of 9-11....Yes, the 7 countries in 5 years has not met its deadlines, but the plan for that destruction is still on the table....In my last report, I showed how we have all been duped into the false belief that the Kurdish forces that have now occupied a large swath of northern Syria were somehow fighting on the "side of Bashar al Assad" to try to liberate Syria from the US criminal mercenary "terrorist" forces.. But the truth seems to be that while there has been so much focus on the Syrian's army to liberate the city of Aleppo, very quietly these American/Israeli supplied "Kurds" have been working hand in foot with the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal to swallow up Syrian territory so as to bring about the cabals' plans to break Syria apart....Yes, the Kurdish effort does appear to be that "plan B" that I have stated that the cabal would fall back on with their failures in having their fraud "ISIS" and "Al Nusra" forces beat Assad.....It is also a fact that the US has ILLEGALLY established an "airbase" in Kurdish occupied territory in northern Syria at Hasakah... That action is in direct violation of every single UN resolution and is in fact an act of war by the US.... It is also a fact that this illegal invasion has been kept purposely away from the American people through the liars in the Jew spew media.....And right now, I want to present the following link to an article from my friend and colleague, Whitewraithe, through her Pragmatic Witness website, that is entitled: "US Finally Admits "Boots On The Groung" In Syria"....I have more thoughts and comments to follow:, So now we have definitive proof that the US has illegally invaded Syria and they have finally admitted as much... However, this is indeed a major escalation in the conflict and could lead to a DIRECT WAR with the Russian Federation... And to cover that aspect of this seriously escalated conflict in Syria, I want to present the following link from the Russia Insider website, that gives the important Russian perspective on this insane move by the US in not only putting "boots on the ground" in northern Syria, but how the US's prospects of trying to impose a subsequent "no fly zone" is probably the last desperate act by the criminal US government to save their fraud "terrorists" operating in Syria itself.... Here is that link to that article, entitled: "ENDGAME: Syria "No Fly Zone" Is US Last Ditch Effort To Save Al Qaeda"... I have more thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  Honestly, the more I look at Syria, the more I do feel for the Syrian people themselves who have had to endure the criminal actions by the US with their fraud terrorists at first, and NOW having to face the US military itself very shortly.....Lets be clear here... The US has absolutely NO rights to be in Syria at all, period, end of story... Their actions do indeed mean a declaration of WAR against the nation of Syria, which again is in clear violation of every single UN charter and resolution.... But as I said before, what will the UN do if you consider how much they have been nothing more than puppets for the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal?It does appear that the US has insidiously and by stealth figured out  that the American people are simply too stupid to see clearly what they are doing in Syria..... I for one am shocked by the lack of total outrage by the American public who should be demanding right now that this action stop... But again it shows that the US government is acting with impunity and not by the will of the people that are too stupid and gullible in putting them into office in the first place....Yes, this "no fly zone" is an act of war and will only lead to a further escalation in this conflict by American fighter aircraft getting into a shooting match with Russian and Syrian fighter aircraft... Once that air war becomes a fact, it will only be a matter of time before that escalates into fighting directly on the ground... And when that happens, it will only be one step towards a direct war between Russia and the criminal US.... I for one do not want to see that happen for it could spell the end of mankind on this planet....The insanity of the US government continues... They are indeed playing a most dangerous game in Syria now and the world can now see how truly evil the United States has become...More to comeNTS