The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Updates On Situation In Syria

The war in Syria continues..... Honestly, I cannot see the situation changing very soon as the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal is going to continue their killing of innocent civilians and have that nation ruined, just for their absolutely ridiculous demands that Bashar al-Assad be removed from power!  Disgusting is putting it mildly...Right now, I want to present some interesting articles that come courtesy of the Real Syrian Free Press website, at In this first article, we find evidence that the so called "Al Nusra" front of US bought and paid for mercenaries and murderers had the gall to launch chemical attacks on the civilian population of western Aleppo!   First here is the link to that article here for everyone to see for themselves:, WHERE is the Jew spew media to report on this atrocity?  Where is the rush by the UN to condemn the US and their operatives for this attack?   We have found over the last few years these liars and criminals report everything imaginable about Bashar al-Assad and his so called "attacks" on his own people (proven always to be non-existent and pure fabrications...), and yet not ONE word from any of these so called "media outlets" about the US backed mercenaries launching chemical attacks on Syrian civilians?  Why should anyone be shocked by the lack of truthful reporting by these liars when they are working hand in hand with the criminals of the US government to try to sell the American public with the propaganda bullshit that Bashar al-Assad is a "criminal", and neglecting to show the real truth as what  we have in this incident?  Hypocrisy is putting it mildly....Well, I for one am not shocked at all by the lack of Jew spew media coverage of the real truths about the war in Syria... And right now I want to present a prime example of some real truth from Syria, where just the other day the Syrian army had a major victory over the US bought and paid for mercenaries operating in the region of Deir ez-Zor, by successfully blowing up the ISIS or "Daesh" headquarters and putting hundreds of these US operatives out of their misery... Here is the link to that article here:, that was indeed a great victory for the Syrian army and indeed has wrecked the US operatives and mercenaries control center at Deir ez-Zor......But again, you do not see this reported anywhere in the Jew spew media, right? And to of course help summarize the entire campaign to free Aleppo from the US bought and paid for criminal mercenaries and operatives, I want to present the following report from the South Front website, at, that gives the fully updated situation in Aleppo as it stands today, October 31st, 2016... Here is the link to that report here: Notes:  OK, Lets face the reality here... Yes, the fraud "Al Nusra" criminals that have been rearmed with state of the art US made weaponry did indeed over the last few days attempt a breakthrough to try to lift the siege on their fellow operatives holed up in eastern Aleppo... But after some initial success the Syrian government forces have once again gained the upper hand and the attack has been stopped....And as I stated in my weekend rant, I am still disgusted by the Russian Federation stopping their aerial assaults on these criminals.... Yes, Putin has stated that the halt was to help the civilians and to rationally give them a chance to escape eastern Aleppo... But the facts are that the US mercenaries are absolutely NOT allowing any of the civilians to escape, as they need them for human shields in vain attempts to prevent their own destruction by the hands of the Syrian government forces.... And absolutely is it indeed a crime against humanity and a war crime to use civilians as human shields...But we all see by now that the criminal US government cares not about war crime implications and will continue this insane policy!   Therefore for Putin to stop the aerial assaults to try to save the civilians is ludicrous for the US is not using any rule of law in this war.....Yes, the battle to free Aleppo has now dragged on further than anyone has expected... The siege on the eastern part of the city is still in place, but the liberation will not happen any time soon.....  And as a result thousands more innocent civilians will be murdered thanks to the United States...More to comeNTS