The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Updates On Situation In Syria...

With the American people, and so many people elsewhere around the planet in fact, so focused these days on the farcical "election" campaign taking place between Killary Clinton and Donald Drumpf, few are paying attention to what has been happening elsewhere around the world, especially with the ever changing situation in Syria.... Therefore it is important that bloggers such as myself and a few others do our best to try to get the real truth out about Syria, and not the bullshit coming from the Jew spew media these days...First, most everyone has heard that there was indeed a respite in the fighting by the Syrian government forces and their Russian and Arab allies to retake the city of Aleppo from the American bought and paid for murderous mercenaries still holed up on the eastern side of the city.... The Syrians and Russians did indeed grant a "ceasefire" in their operations to give the civilians and in fact any of  the "terrorists" their chance to leave eastern Aleppo peacefully... The Russians and Syrians even agreed to allow these "terrorists" to cross over into "Al Nusra" held territory through several corridors and even to be "redeployed" elsewhere if they chose!   This was indeed an enormous gesture on the part of the Syrian government and their allies.... BUT in spite of the good intentions of the Syrians and Russians, almost NO civilians or any of the "terrorists" used the corridors at all, and in fact according to the following report from Syrian Free Press, at, apparently the so called "rebels" and "terrorists" holed up in eastern Aleppo have had the unmitigated nerve to fire upon any civilians and "terrorists" attempting to use the safe passage corridors!  Here is the link to that report for everyone to see for themselves right here:, I expected as much from these "terrorists" in eastern Aleppo.... These criminals do NOT want to lose their "human shields" that they have been using illegally and immorally to try to protect themselves from the bombing campaigns of the Russians and Syrians...Therefore they have indeed placed snipers near the safe passage "corridors" to fire upon anyone that has tried to escape... And I can guarantee the criminal US government is firmly in support of this action!   I therefore must ask why the American people are allowing this atrocity to happen while their own criminal government screams to high heaven about false Russian and Syrian "atrocities" against civilians!I have long wondered WHY the US and their evil allies have wanted so badly to try to prevent the fall of Aleppo, and why they would even have the audacity to try to prevent civilians from leaving?  Well, to help answer that big question, I want to once again turn to another great article from the Syrian Free Press that puts forward the notion that the real reason the US is so hell bent on hanging onto Aleppo for dear life is because the fall of Aleppo and seizure of the last remaining "terrorists" would blow their cover entirely by exposing the reality that the so called "terrorists" there are nothing more than US/Israel/NATO operatives!  Here is the link to that report for everyone to see here: honestly would say that the Syrian Free Press has it spot on in regards to Aleppo.... For I have been saying for years that these "terrorists" and "rebels" are indeed frauds and are indeed US CIA and Israeli Mossad operatives... The seizure of these operatives once Aleppo falls would expose to the entire world once and for all the truth about the entire Syrian conflict and absolutely destroy the criminal cabal's hopes of destroying Syria itself....At the present time, the Syrians and Russians have stopped the bombings of eastern Aleppo to give the "terrorists" and civilians still holed up there one last chance to flee the city... However, apparently these criminals are absolutely not going to leave and therefore within the next 24 hours the Syrian government forces will once again launched their renewed offensive to finish them off once and for all.....In other news, I came across a most interesting report today that is most disturbing, and may be a further "escalation" in the conflict in Syria.. For according to this report, once again from Syrian Free Press online, apparently the Turkish airforce launched air strikes against the Kurdish forces in northern Aleppo province on Wednesday, killing some 150 civilians in the process.... Here is the link to that important article here for everyone to see for themselves: horrendous attack by Erdogan and the Turks does raise some interesting questions about Turkey's involvement in the war in Syria, especially with all the reports over the last week about Turkey now making deals with both the Russians and the Syrian government over "coordinating their efforts" in the fight supposedly against the "terrorists" in Syria.... Apparently Erdogan's long battle against the Kurds has once again superseded any attempt at "co-ordination" or even "cooperation"!  It also makes one wonder what the Russian and Syrian reply will be to this atrocity....One other thing that has come my way, and this one really hits home here for myself as a Canadian...For according to the following article from a fellow Canadian truth seeker, "Penny" who of course writes "Penny For Your Thoughts" at, apparently the criminal Canadian federal government in Ottawa is attempting to up the ante in the war in Syria by attempting to push a resolution forward in the United Nations to "sanction" an attack on Syria itself citing fraudulent claims once again that Bashar al-Assad and his Russian and Arab allies are "killing innocent civilians"!  Yes, this one is absolutely a must for everyone to read, and I have the link to Penny's article here: as a Canadian am absolutely aghast by this action by this criminal Stephane Dion... If this action gets passed, then we will indeed be one step closer to an all out attack by the criminal NATO forces, but will also be within a whisker of an all out war against Russia itself!Yes, criminals like this Stephane Dion and his other cronies in Canada are hoping that people have not done their proper research in finding out the truth about the war in Syria... They are hoping to fool the public into the false belief that the Russians and Syrians are killing civilians, when the reality is it is the US backed "rebels" and "terrorists" that are absolutely doing the evil deed....And yes, this latest charade by the "UN" will not only attempt to stop the bombing of the US backed operatives and mercenaries operating in Aleppo, but will indeed lay the ground work for an all out invasion of Syria itself based on LIES!The reality is that the US could not possibly put forward such a "resolution" themselves, due to the world waking up to their part in arming, aiding, and being the terrorists themselves...Therefore they have hired their minions in Ottawa to do the dirty work for them.... Disgusting is putting it mildly....And yes, Penny is right that this "resolution" will try to take away Syria's rights for its own self protection from these evil "terrorists" and "rebels".... Again, as a Canadian and someone that knows the real truths about Syria, I am both angry and dumbfounded that these idiots in Ottawa have the nerve to attempt this act....Obviously, we now know exactly who the Trudeau regime in Ottawa definitely answers to....The situation in Syria is indeed changing on a day to day basis...I will be continuing to present factual reports about exactly what is happening for everyone to see here at this site... Stay tuned...More to comeNTS