The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Updates On The Present Situation In Syria

It has been almost two weeks since my last report on the ongoing war in Syria, and there has indeed been a lot going on.... Yes, the war for Syria's freedom from the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal's tyranny continues, and we can only hope for the day to come when the Syrian people will send the cabal running and have their nation back...First, I came across the following report from the Syrian Free Press website, at, that absolutely shows a completely different message than what the liars in the Jew spew media have been stating about exactly WHO has been responsible for the civilian deaths that have been happening with increasing intensity in Syria, and especially in the besieged city of Aleppo.... Here is the link for that report for everyone to see here for themselves: about the battle for Aleppo....We have all seen over the last few days all these reports about the newest "gassings" of civilians... And of course the LIARS in the Jew spew media are once again trying to sell us the bullshit that the Syrian government forces have been responsible for these "chlorine gas attacks"..... Knowing what we all know that the US government is nothing but a bunch of criminals and liars as well, I can guarantee that the real culprits behind these newest gassings are the fraud "Al Nusra" US bought and paid for mercenaries, aka.. "terrorists".....I for one will not fall for the lies being pushed by the Jew spew media that these latest "gas attacks" were launched by the Syrian government forces, for the following reasons:(1) The Syrian government had destroyed its entire gas munitions stockpile some two years ago with the help of the Russians... That was confirmed by the United Nations and other watchdog groups... Therefore the question should be for everyone is where did the Syrian government gets these gas munitions if their stockpile was destroyed..(2) What would gassing civilians gain for Bashar al-Assad?  NOTHING!  If Assad was able to get a new supply of chemical weapons and use it against his own people, it would be tantamount to suicide for it would give the criminal cabal its excuse to go in and overthrow his regime directly.. Therefore by simple logic Assad is not that stupid and knows the consequences.....(3) The question should be: WHO gains by these gas attacks?  Obviously with Aleppo about to fall and the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal's dream of having Syria destroyed would be effectively over....Therefore it should be so obvious that the ones that have been conducting these "gas attacks" are the US led mercenaries, aka the so called "terrorists"..... Logically it is these fraud terrorists working in conjunction with the US itself that has been conducting these "gas attacks" to try to sway public opinion that the Syrian government is now "evil" for "gassing its own people" and have the needed excuse for a direct US intervention into Syria itself.....I therefore dismiss the Jew spew media and its liars for claiming that Assad is now "once again" gassing his own people... Assad has absolutely NOTHING to gain by doing this horrendous act on his own people...And about the present situation in Aleppo... Apparently the good guys, the Syrian government forces and their allies have retaken ALL of the territory that was taken by the fraud Al Nusra "terrorists" last month, and have once again closed the ring around eastern Aleppo itself....  And here is a link to a report from the Sputnik News website, at that gives a pretty good summary of this great news from the ongoing battle for Aleppo:  And about the Turkish intervention into northern Syria.... It should be obvious by now that this movement by Turkey has been directly aimed at the US/Israel armed Kurdish fighters, and apparently not against Bashar al-Assad's government ... And to bring forward the latest report on the situation with this Turkish "invasion" of northern Syria, I want to present the following link to Penny's newest report from "Penny For Your Thoughts" at is that link: NTS Notes:  Yes, Penny has indeed been following the situation in Syria very closely (and more closely than I have...) and I do want to thank her for her reports...To me, the Kurds made a grievous mistake in trying to make deals with the US and Israel... I can guarantee that the Kurds made secretive agreements to work with these criminals in exchange for them to receive their "nationhood"... But as we have always seen throughout history, any nation that makes deals with nations such as the US and Israel always gets burned....It should be obvious that the US and Israel have indeed thrown the Kurds under the proverbial "bus"...When push comes to shove the US and Israel have indeed fled the scene, leaving the Kurds to face the onslaught of the Turks with absolutely NO help anywhere in sight!Yes, the news out of Syria is now changing very rapidly, and apparently the situation continues to become more grim for the fraud US backed "rebels" and "terrorists" trying to destroy that nation..... And therefore once again without the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal pulling another "rabbit out of their hat", their attempts to have Syria destroyed and Bashar al-Assad removed from office will be defeated...More to comeNTS