The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Syrian President Assad's Interview With Russia's Komsomolskaya Pravda - Telling The Truth About Syrian Conflict!

The news out of Syria is getting better and better by the day.... As of last night, the Syrian army has retaken much of the northern section of eastern Aleppo from the US bought and paid for mercenaries, and the good guys are making gains against what is left of these scoundrels holed up in the remainder of eastern Aleppo.... It could be only a matter of days before Aleppo finally falls and when that happens the attempt by the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal will have failed dismally!  I for one will be applauding when that happens....I have indeed been receiving a lot of "hate mail" and of course many hateful "comments" over the last while claiming that I am "anti-Canadian" and even laughingly a "terrorist" for my support of the Syrian nation in its war to as I state clearly "free itself from the evil US/Israel/Nato criminal cabal".... I do of course dismiss these comments and emails and discard them appropriately.   I have no time for ignorance and stupidity....I am a man who does not wear blinders and I can clearly see what this conflict in Syria is truly all about, which is another attempt by the true evil on the planet to destroy another peaceful nation.... To me, it is about time these scoundrels get defeated!  I therefore look at these fools that somehow think that I am "anti-Canadian" for my stance on Syria to either get a life or go find something else better to do than being Hasbara/JIDF shills for the criminal state of Israel....For this article, I want to present an amazing interview that a Russian reporter conducted just the other day with President Bashar al-Assad, that gives the absolute truth about this "conflict" in Syria.... I have the Youtube video here entitled: "President Al-Assad 's Interview With Russian Newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda" right here for everyone to watch and listen to.... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  I for one am truly sick and tired of the intense demonization of this man via the lying scumbags in the Jew spew media.... From all of the interviews that I have watched about this man, he is very articulate, highly intelligent, and passionate in his beliefs in wanting his nation whole, prosperous, and indeed free of outside interference... It is also a fact that in spite of the LIARS in our governments that claim that he is a "butcher", he is absolutely adored and fully supported by the Syrian people!   I would therefore state clearly that everything that we have told about this man via the brainwashing of the Jew spew media is indeed nothing but hogwash...President Al Assad does indeed state the facts about this present conflict in Syria.. He lays out the facts that this war in Syria has indeed been nothing short of an invasion by the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal using proxy forces bought and paid for by these criminals.....And absolutely YES, I do support President Bashar al-Assad in this conflict... I and others in the real truth movement can see that he is not a "gasser of his people" or a "butcher" as the liars in the Jew spew media continuously try to harp on gullible fools... He is on the side of good in this conflict to free his nation from the criminal cabal, and right now is indeed winning this war for Syria's freedom...More to comeNTS