The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: Latest UN "Humanitarian Aid" Convoy Attack May Be A Scam!

The fraud "ceasefire" in Syria is finally over... And right now the Syrian army along with its Russian and Arab allies are going all out to finally attack and destroy the US fraud "rebels" and "terrorists".... The good guys know now that any "agreements" with the criminal US government is not worth the paper it is printed on, and will no longer make any agreements with such evil entities... It does appear that now the US is in deep trouble and they have to now look for some other shenanigans to once again try to turn the tide in Syria in their favor..And lo and behold, we now have these reports about an "attack" on a UN "humanitarian aid" convoy outside of Aleppo, where supposedly some 18 our of 31 vehicles that were supposedly carrying "aid" to "civilians" in the criminal "rebel" held areas of Aleppo, were destroyed in an air strike... The first reports of course coming out of the Jew spew media were that the "Russians and/or the Syrians did it..."... I on the other hand smell a rat, and I will explain it here in this article...First, I want to present the following report from a fellow Canadian researcher, Penny, who of course writes the excellent blog "Penny For Your Thoughts" at In this article, that I have the link to, Penny does ask some very hard questions about this "Humanitarian Aid Convoy" that was supposedly attacked, and is, like myself, seeing that there is more to this "incident" than what we are being told.. Here is that link for everyone to read for themselves: OK, I for one smelled a rat instantly when it was mentioned that the convoy was sponsored by the "Red Crescent" group as well as the WHITE HATS whom I and others have shown to be fronts and NOT "aid" groups at all... In many cases these "aid" workers have been shown to be bringing in weapons and supplies to the fraud "rebels" themselves.....Yes, there is far more to this "attack" on this "aid convoy" that we are not being told... And of course the good people over at Russia Today (RT) have also been on top of this story and are asking questions... Here is a great video from RT that asks some good questions about this entire incident: OK, I will lay it out here in simple terms... The TIMING of this "attack" is just too perfect if you consider that the Americans very blatantly showed the entire world that they themselves are absolutely 100% ISIS itself the other day by massacring some 85 Syrian soldiers in support of their ISIS operatives and then tried to lie their asses off to the entire world that it was just a "mistake".... They needed something to try to swing public opinion back into their "favor" and here we have this "attack" that they are quickly trying to blame on the Syrians and Russians...There is also the very strong probability that this "aid" convoy was absolutely nothing of the sort, and that it was NOT carrying "aid" at all, but weapons for the embattled "Al Nusra" fraud US mercenaries that are presently holed up in Aleppo.... If that is the case, and considering again how these "White Helmets" are NOT "aid workers" but actually US operatives, then the Russians and Syrians if they did conduct this airstrike are perfectly in the right....Either way, this "attack" on this "aid convoy" stinks to high heaven... .BUT I can guarantee knowing the criminality of the US government and their constant lying that it was NOT an "unprovoked" attack on an "aid convoy" at all.....Yes, the US is indeed desperate and will push this "attack" to try to sway opinion and to try to use it to once again "vilify" Russia... Lets not be fooled by their sickening antics...More to comeNTS