The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Criminal Cabal: How The Syrian "Civil War" Started - The Siege Of Daraa Initiated By US CIA Operatives

I am still surprised to see today all the fraud rhetoric still being spewed out by the liars in the Jew spew media in regards to the fraudulent "Syrian boy in an ambulance" fiasco that has filled the minds of gullible people for the last few days.....It should be apparent to anyone that takes the time and uses a bit of critical thinking that we are seeing another US hoax with this latest "Syrian boy in an ambulance" scam.... Everything about this stinks to high heaven, and I would say absolutely without a shadow of a doubt that the criminals in the US Government have indeed concocted this latest "incident" to try to get a new "ceasefire" in place to save their murderous mercenaries holed up in Aleppo itself.... And again as I have stated before I can guarantee that the criminals in the US/Israel/NATO cabal will use any "ceasefire" to quickly rearm and replenish their mercenaries and other fraudulent "terrorist" groups.....Yes, the Syrian war to free itself from the scourge of the US/Israel/NATO cabal and their high paid mercenaries disguised as "terrorists" has been going on for over 5 years now... Many around the world still do not understand how this entire "conflict" originated and by WHOM... And right now I will answer that basic question about how this "civil war" started by bringing forward the following link to a very important article from the American Herald Tribune online newspaper at article is entitled: "Day Before Daraa: How The War Broke Out In Syria" and is a must read by everyone who wants to see for themselves who the instigators of this "civil war" were... Here is that link for everyone to see for themselves, and I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: WHY am I not surprised by the findings of this article? I have said for a long time that the US/Israel/NATO cabal had targeted Syria for "regime change" for over the last decade... It is a fact that General Wesley Clark in his famous "7 nations targeted for destruction video"  (see video here) that Syria was indeed one of the 7 nations that were to be destroyed after the Israeli Mossad 911 attacks on America over the following 5 years.....It is also a fact that with the war to have Libya destroyed going all out in 2011, the US State Department under that hideous demon, Hillary "Killary" Clinton did indeed see an opportunity to shift some of their mercenaries and other CIA operatives to Syria and have that nation destroyed as well... The Syrian city of Daraa on the Jordanian border was obviously selected due to it indeed sitting on the border of Jordan so that supplies to the operatives could easily be sent from Jordan itself.....It is a fact that once the Daraa "siege" was initiated, the CIA operatives quickly fanned the "uprising" against Assad by having their agents work in other major Syrian cities over the next few months in 2011.... And by the summer of 2011, the "civil war" was in full swing.... It was soon afterwards that the US moved their "Al Qaeda" fraud terrorists into the fray to seize much of northern Syria adjacent to Aleppo, and as well take other "Al Qaeda" CIA operatives from the eastern part of Syria and in adjacent Iraq and rebrand them as "ISIS" to seize the eastern provinces of Syria...Yes, this war against Syria has always been a lie and nothing more than "regime change" in Syria to both bring forward a "pro western" government in Damascus... These monsters have always hoped that with Damascus under a western puppet ruler, that Syria itself would be broken apart and turned into smaller fiefdoms as per the criminal Israeli blueprint for Middle Eastern hegemony called "Securing The Realm"... They have always wanted to hand over Syrian territory to the psycho state of Israel for its sick dream of a "Greater Israel" as well....The bottom line here is that we all should no longer be fooled by this "civil war".... It is indeed a fight for a most innocent nation, Syria, against the evil criminal cabal that wants it destroyed and the Syrian people genocided or subjugated from that destruction.... The truth must be told...More to comeNTS