The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israeli/NATO Criminal Cabal: Updates On Situation, And Is Selection Of Donald Drumpf Actually A Good Thing For Syria?

I again have been busy once again these last few days with so much work going on in both my personal and business life... I received some emails and comments this last while asking of course WHY I have not been blogging as much as I used to here?  And of course the answer is that I have a lot going on these last few months and this blog has regrettably been put on the back burner from time to time... I will state again that when I do have some time I am always trying to post up material here and to do some "catching up"... And of course I do try to cover what I did miss in my rants....Well, Donald Drumpf is now definitely the President-Elect of the United States, and come this January his cabinet and his policies will be in place... But the major issue that I see is how President Drumpf will handle the situation in Syria considering that his opponent that evil psychotic bitch Killary Clinton is the most responsible for creating the mess in the first place...Yes, it is a reality that everyone must absolutely understand that it was indeed Killary Clinton during her time as the Secretary of State of the United States that did absolutely create the fraud of "ISIS" in the first place... Her plans were always to abide by her Jewish masters' wishes to have Syria destroyed and to have Bashar al-Assad removed from power and replaced by a compliant US puppet regime that would allow these criminals to build an oil pipeline through Syrian territory..  Assad refused to allow this pipeline when the project was first proposed over a decade ago, and that refusal and his want for what was best for the Syrian people put himself under the bullseye for "regime change".... Clinton herself while Secretary of State helped to engineer the first "uprisings" in Syria five years ago and she and her criminal counterparts in both the US and Saudi Arabia absolutely created, financed, and then injected the fraud "ISIS" into Syrian territory to help to overthrow Assad..... Now some 5 years later and some 300000 Syrian dead civilians on the bloody hands of Killary, that all may change with Drumpf now in control of the White House...OK, I has been about a week since I last reported on what the hell has been happening in Syria.... And the situation since the US voting last Tuesday has now changed very radically.... For according to the following link to a report from the Katehon website, at, there appears to be some major movement on the part of the criminal "terrorists" that are still holed up in eastern Aleppo city, where apparently now they are wanting a truce that has come about due to Clinton's defeat last Tuesday!   Here is the link to that article here: will state this as fact... With Queen Killary not able to get her throne in Washington DC, these "moderate rebels" that are right now holed up in eastern Aleppo, as well as the fraud "Al Nusra" forces that are in northern Syria, will probably not receive their massive influx of American weapons under a Drumpf government as they would under Killary!  They therefore can now see the " writing on the wall" in terms of their ability to win this fight against the Syrian government forces and are indeed looking for a way out and to  try to now make "peace"... Imagine that?And about the military situation itself in and around Aleppo city?  Well, apparently due to the failed attempts by the Syrian and Russian forces to force their way into eastern Aleppo city, they have instead decided on the policy of leaving those "rebel" forces holed up there to 'wither on the vine' while they instead concentrate their efforts on pushing back the "Al Nusra" front away from the western part of Aleppo itself... This operation was launched this last week and it indeed has made successful gains and has increased the distance between the "Al Nusra" fraud rebels and their compatriots holed up in eastern Aleppo.   This will indeed make any attempts by "Al Nusra" to break the siege now impossible as the distance needed to reach eastern Aleppo has now increased!  I could not help but  make the comparison here in Aleppo with what the Russians did to the Germans holed up in Stalingrad in late 1942 as a comparison.  The Russians pushed the "relief" forces and the front lines away from Stalingrad itself and thus made any relief attempts nearly impossible...Once that operation was a success, the Russians then turned their entire efforts against Stalingrad and reduced and eventually destroyed the German 6th army there.... History apparently is now repeating with Aleppo!Elsewhere in Syria... The Syrian government forces have continued their operations north of the city of Hama, and have been reducing the "rebel" strongholds in the south and especially the few left around Damascus.... The situation therefore continues to be positive and a great success for the Syrian army and the Syrian people and we find more and more that the criminal US/Israel/NATO cabal's plans for the overthrow of Assad and the destruction of Syria to be itself destroyed....Therefore we can turn to the big question about what a Drumpf government means to Syria itself?  Well, I have been looking at a few reports that came out these last few days about this very question, and one in particular caught my eye and I want to share it here.. The following link comes from the "Middle East Eye" website, at, and cites what Donald Drumpf will do in Syria once he becomes President as the "Unknown Unknowns".... Here is that link: one thing that caught my eye in this article is about how Donald Drumpf did indeed state throughout his campaign that he would indeed stop the funding to the fraud "moderate rebels" in Syria and instead concentrate on "supporting" both Russia and Syria for "defeating ISIS".... BUT, if Drumpf is not already aware and finds out that "ISIS" itself is a fraud and entirely owned and operated by the US itself, the bigger question should be will he actually end that charade and put an end to 'ISIS' itself?   Will he actually put a stop to the madness, or will he be saddled with the nightmare that Killary created and Barry Soetoro continued?   If so, will Drumpf be forced to admit to the world about how the US itself are the terrorists and try to find a way out to save face, or will he continue the corrupt policies of his predecessors?I personally am hoping that Drumpf does end the charade of ISIS, stops all funding for that fraud, and pulls the US forces already there out of both Syria and Iraq.... If he fails to do so, then he will be proven to once again not be this great "hope" for America and it will show that once again the American people have been played as suckers....  We will find out very soon...More to comeNTS