Syrian Civil War: NATO General Admits Russia Will Bring Peace To Syria, Turkey Offers Catastrophe

The Syrian civil war is definitely entering a period of immense uncertainty and the next few weeks could see dire consequences for the entire planet.... Right now, Turkish and Saudi forces are amassing along the borders of Syria and Turkey has begun shelling both Kurdish controlled areas, and Syrian government forces that have the last vestiges of "rebel" forces bottled up in a pocket around Aleppo.... The Turks and the Saudis are about to attack Syria and that attack will bring Russian forces into direct conflict with both of those regimes... There is indeed fear of a massive escalation that will happen shortly after with the United States and the Russian Federation in direct conflict....I have long been wondering what the NATO nations and the commanders of NATO forces actually think about the present Syrian war situation and if they know the consequences of having that conflict escalate...And I found a most interesting article, from the Sputnik News online website, at, where a NATO General has admitted that Russian intervention into Syria will bring peace to the Syrian conflict, while Turkish intervention will be a catastrophe... Here is the link to that Sputnik news article for everyone to read for themselves right here, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: I have been watching the situation in Syria over the last few days myself, and I am truly alarmed as to what I see as an act of stupidity and folly by the Turkish military....It does seem that Turkey is hell bent on trying to save their fraud "ISIS" forces in Syria that rightfully face annihilation in the Aleppo pocket.... They know that the jig is up for them and for their proxy forces that have been trying to overthrow the Bashar al-Assad government, and rather than actually concede defeat, they are insanely wanting to escalate the conflict...Yes, there are most definitely those in Turkey that figure that by attacking Syria, and getting Russia to respond in their defense of the Syrian nation, they will invoke the part of the NATO charter that demands that every NATO nation come to the 'defense' of a NATO partner that is under attack by the Russian Federation... However, these circumstances are most definitely different in the fact that it is of course Turkey (and Saudi Arabia) that have initiated this conflict and escalation.. The question then becomes on what grounds can Turkey rightfully envoke the NATO charter when they are the attackers???I am actually glad that there are those in the NATO command that do see the truth about what is happening in Syria, and see that the Russian operations have actually been beneficial to that entire region and the whole world...However, with the American/Israeli criminal cabal wanting this conflict to escalate, these statements will most definitely fall on deaf ears...I also agree with many of Penny's assertions ( that Turkey may actually be a "pawn" in all this and is being directed like a puppet by the US and Israel.. The facts are that what Turkey is doing right now is suicide for that nation if it is considering a war against the much more powerful Russian Federation, and everyone should be asking themselves why they are wanting to further poke and provoke the Russian Bear?.... We will definitely see within the next few days if the Turks and the Saudis are insane enough to actually go to war and directly intervene in Syria... Hopefully someone in the bowels of the Pentagon and of course NATO headquarters in Brussels can see what is about to happen and hopefully will step forward to stop the impending madness from happening.... Our planet's future is now at stake...More to comeNTS