SYRIA: Turkey’s Repeated Violations of Syrian Sovereignty and Criminal Activities Against Syria

21st Century Wire says…
As Europe and NATO reel from the shock of the UK vote to leave the US vassal entity that is the EU, Russia and Syria seemingly take the gloves off regarding the persistent Turkish violations of International Law in Syria. 
Here, Dr Bashar al Jaafari, Syria’s permanent representative to the UN, exposes Turkish incursions inside Syrian territories, repeated violations of Syrian sovereignty, the wall built by the Turkish government deep inside Syrian territory and incessant breaches by Turkey military and intelligence of their “committments towards a good neighbourhood relationship with Syria in accordance with the principles of international law, the provisions of the Charter and the relevant treaties signed between the two governments of the two countries”
Dr Bashar al Jaafari addresses the UN and takes questions from the media.  Dr al Jaafari enters at 2:45.
Partial transcript by Eva Bartlett:
“…It is deplorable that the Turkish government has provided training, logistical support, and safe haven for terrorist groups, facilitating the transfer of terrorist groups and weapons into my country, Syria.
Those actions are a blatant violation of the authoritative international resolutions, including Resolution 1373, 2170, 2178, 2199, and 2253.
The Turkish government is supporting groups that have committed daily terrorist crimes against the Syrian people and the state institutions and infrastructure. Hospitals, educational institutions, Islamic and Christian places of worship, diplomatic missions, and even children in schools and school buses have not been spared.
…the Turkish government is sponsoring, financially-speaking, ISIL activities in Syria and Iraq, through buying oil, gas and artefacts stolen from Syria and Iraq by ISIL, by Turkish mediators. All this cultural heritage, plus the oil and gas, end up in European markets and Israeli markets. This is why the Resolution 2178 was adopted….but not fulfilled by neither the Turkish government nor any of the European governments.
Building walls inside Syrian territory is a violation of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and International law, which makes it incumbent to respect states’ national sovereignty and refrain from interfering in their internal affairs.
The Syrian Arab Republic categorically rejects the establishment of such walls on any part of its territory, under any pretext, and will take every necessary measure to prevent this from happening and to protect its national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.
…the Turkish government has also conducted military incursions inside Iraqi territory, and in spite of the Iraqi government’s formal request to Ankara to refrain from doing this, and to withdraw their troops from within Iraqi territory, the Turkish government did not listen to this request. So here we have a double violation of international law both in Iraq and Syria by the Turkish government.
The government of the Syrian Arab Republic again calls on the Security Council to assume its responsibilities and in accordance with its remit under the Charter to take swift action against the Turkish government’s flagrant violations to international law and Security Council resolutions.
[shows numerous letters]
This is just a sample of official letters I have sent on behalf of my government to the Security Council and the Secretary General of the United Nations, with regard to the Turkish violations of Syrian sovereignty. This is just a sample, out of over 600 official letters I have forwarded to the Security Council and the Secretary General since the beginning of the so-called Syrian crisis. Official letters full of information, proofs that corroborate what we are saying. Now it’s up to you.”

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