STUNNING Fox News segment. Tucker Carlson blows up the entire Syrian chemical weapons false flag (Video)

While 99.9% of the war hungry mainstream media, left and right, is united in their push for a war with Syria, based on a false flag chemical weapons attack, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson is challenging the logic and reasoning behind the imminent Trump attack on Syria.
Here is the complete segment from The Liberty Hound YouTube channel, complete with Tucker’s stunning opening segment, where he exposes all the lies behind the current build up towards war with Syria.
Carlson then interviews Senator Roger Wicker (R-MS), who fails to explain why a war with Syria is in American national interest.
Wicker does state that a war with Syria is in Israel’s national interest, but cannot elaborate on why attacking Assad without evidence, or a proper investigation is to the benefit of America.

And just in case the full segment from The Liberty Hound’s YouTube channel gets taken down by Google, here is the Fox News’ channel YouTube video of Carlson’s opening statement on Syria.
No comment is needed, just watch and please share!

In Tucker’s final segment on Syria, a former American hostage weighs in on the chemical hoax propagated by the Trump administration and all the mainstream media.
Theo Padnos spent two years as the hostage of al-Nusra, a Syrian Islamist rebel group. Padnos makes some excellent points, but the fact that its difficult for an investigative team to verify claims of an attack may actually be what is driving the Trump administration’s rush to bomb the area under question.
Watch the video and then read below The Duran’s explanation of events unfolding, and how Russia’s control of Douma, and its ability to now conduct a full investigation into yet another Deep State false flag, is prompting the US to bomb Syria as soon as possible.

The Duran reports

As a result of the total surrender of the Jihadis previously in control of Douma on Sunday, it is the Russian military who this time are in control of the alleged crime scene.
This has put the Russians in a position where for the first time they are able both to invite the OPCW inspectors to attend the crime scene and to provide them with protection if they are there, whilst at the same time monitoring and supervising their work.
If the chemical attack on Douma really is fictitious – as the Russians insist it is – then for the first time their control of the crime scene puts the Russians in a strong position to prove it.
The point was made forcefully by Russia’s UN ambassador Vassily Nebenzia at the UN Security Council session today, and it also received indirect backing from the UN Secretariat, who admitted that they could not confirm that a chemical weapons attack had happened, and who called upon all sides to show restraint until a proper investigation of the incident had taken place.
Nebenzia followed this up by inviting OPCW inspectors to the scene as early as tomorrow Tuesday.
By now it should surprise no-one that the fact that the Russians are in control of the crime scene and may on this occasion be able to prove conclusively that no chemical weapons attack happened in Douma, instead of deterring a US attack, is actually making it more likely.
This is because the credibility of the various ‘witnesses’ to the Douma attack – who are of course the same witnesses who were previously ‘witnesses’ to the 2013 East Ghouta and the 2017 Khan Sheikhoun attacks – is now on the line, as is the credibility of those Western governments – first and foremost the US government – who believed or who pretended to believe them.
I would add that not only is the credibility of the US government and of other Western governments on the line. So is the credibility of Western journalists who also believed or pretended to believe the ‘witnesses’.

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