Stop John Bolton – On Twitter

The battle for the soul of the Trump administration is already going full swing – and he isn’t even President yet.
The battle lines are being drawn over the office of Secretary of State, and anti-internationalist and non-interventionists in the Trump coalition are angry that former UN Ambassador John Bolton is even being considered. Bolton was an early supporter of the Project for a New American Century, the neoconservative outfit that brought us the Iraq war, and he’s been endorsed by National Review – a neocon mouthpiece that actively campaigned against Trump. His hostility to Russia, which he believes must be subjected to “pain,” flies in the face of Trump’s stated intention to “get along” with Russia.
Here’s how you can stop the Bolton nomination from getting off the ground. The Trump transition team is asking for input from the public. If you have a Twitter account, you can tweet your opposition to Bolton by directing your tweet at @transition2017.
Keep your message short, sweet, and to the point: “No to Bolton” will do, but get creative if you like.
