A Step Closer to UN (Not Security Council) Sanctioned Attack on Syria

I was going to add to the previous post, Canada's FM Stephane Dion Forgets Terrorists in Aleppo. Forgets Canada Violated Syrian Territory,  information that Mr Dion was pushing for a circumvention "to avoid (defeat, failure, unpleasantness, etc.) by artfulness or deception" of  UN security council approval regarding Syria.Recent news out of the UN simply begs for it's own postDion’s statements were made at a general assembly meeting at the UN"

“The minister will ask the UN Security Council to break the impasse that has prevented the international community from intervening Syria”

The impasse will not be broken. And what Dion calls intervention by the "international community”is nothing more then a NATO campaign to bomb Syria, completely. Only Russia and Syria have been impeding this attack. The NATO allies have been looking for a way to legitimize their much desired attack on Syria.Let’s go back to my post, dated October 12/2016: How the UN Can Ensure Aleppo Falls to Terrorists- Resolution 377A “Uniting for Peace”

“We strongly urge the Security Council to protect the civilian population of Syria by immediately creating safe havens in northern and southern Syria, and by enforcing a no-fly zone. In the event that the Security Council is unable to agree on these very basic actions, we call on the United Nations General Assembly to demand implementation of Resolution 377A. This measure, also known as the “Uniting for Peace” resolution and the “Acheson Plan,” which dates from 1950, provides a means of circumventing a deadlocked Security Council and enabling the United Nations to enact collective resistance to aggression”

In the October 12th post you will find a link back to Resolution 377A. Which is how the US got it’s war on in Korea. A war that continues to this day..Stepping back a bit further  still to October 6/2016: UN Official Calls for Security Council Veto Limit to Allow NATO a Freehand in Global Terror Reign

The United Nations' top human rights official has called for limits on the use of the veto power by the U.N. Security Council's five permanent members to halt the tragedy unfolding in east Aleppo in northern Syria.Jordan's Prince Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein, from Jordan is the  U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights"The U.N. Security Council, in particular, should without any further delay, adopt criteria to restrain members from using the veto when there are serious concerns [that] war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide may have been committed."

Hope your getting the picture? If not the latest news should fill in the linesUN Human Rights Council passes resolution on Aleppo

GENEVA, October 21. /TASS/. The United Nations Human Rights Council on Friday passed a resolution on the situation in Aleppo that had been initiated by a number of the Gulf states."Regrettably, it was not an objective and unbiased discussion of the situation in Syria, in Aleppo in particular, but yet another attempt at an information propaganda warfare on Damascus and Moscow," Russian Permanent Representative to the Geneva office of the United Nations and other Geneva-based international organizations Alexei Borodavkin, told TASS.

Instead of extending support to the Syrian government and the people in their efforts against international terrorism, the session’s initiators "are seeking to throw a protective veil over terrorists, to spare them from destruction, to give them a possibility to regroup forces and continue their atrocities on the tortured Syrian land," he said.The resolution was passed by 24 votes of the 47-member Council. Russia, China, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela, Algeria and Burundi voted against and 16 more states abstained.The resolution demands the ‘regime and its allies’ to instantly stop air strikes and combat flights over Aleppo. The United Nations commission investigating human rights violations in Syria is commissioned to conduct a special probe into the situation in Aleppo and issue a report by the next session of the United Nations Human Rights Council due in March 2017. The resolution calls to call answerable those responsible for human rights violations and allocates a major role in it to the International Criminal Court. 

 The resolution that was just passed DEMANDS that Syria stop protecting itself, instantly,  from  this destabilization by NATO nations- As they remake the middle east. Syria must stop the airstrikes targeting terrorists and sadly, yes, their civilian prisoners. For two days humanitarian corridors have been open allowing for safe passage. Al Nusra and their terrorists allies have refused to leave and killed civilians who tried to leave. Nothing is mention in that regard with this UN resolution. No limits on the terrorists or their killing. No condemnation of them refusing to let civilians leave. All demands on Syria and it's allies.Is the agenda to destroy Syria and remake the entire area clear enough to you now?