Statue of Judaic Confederate slave owner stands untouched in FloridaBy Michael Hoffmanwww.RevisionistHistory.orgDavid Levy Yulee statue in FloridaDavid Levy Yuleee was one of the tens of thousands of Judaic slave-owners of Sephardic-Judaic descent who bought, sold or traded in black slaves in the western hemisphere, as documented in the revisionist history classic, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews (three volumes). In the year 2000 the Florida Department of State designated Yulee a “Great Floridian” and “award plaques in his honor” were installed.Yulee's statue is in Fernandia, Amelia Island, Florida. Needless to say it is untouched. No calls from Republican scalawags or Antifa terrorists have been issued for its removal. Neither the ADL or the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), both of which are recent recipients of millions of dollars in “anti-racist” donations from Apple Computer CEO Tim Cook, and 21st Century Fox movie mogul James Murdoch (son of Rupert), have raised the issue of the statue’s removal.In the halacha of the Babylonian Talmud, there is one law for gentiles and another for Judaics, a distinction which the “revolutionary Left” seems to observe and respect when it comes to memorial sculpture in honor of Confederate slave-driver David Levy Yuleee.Yulee’s inflammatory pro-slavery rhetoric in the U.S. Senate earned him the nickname, “the Florida Fire Eater.” He resigned his senate seat to support the Confederacy.Michael Hoffman is the author of They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America.____________