States Push Back

  • States, locals battle efforts of regime to resettle immigrants into their towns.

In a shocking but positive turn of events, state and local governments in recent weeks have taken proactive action in response to efforts by the federal government to resettle massive numbers of immigrants from the Middle East, north Africa, and Central America into cities and towns across the country. Even better, numerous states, including Tennessee, Kansas, and New Jersey, have withdrawn from the federally administered Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), sacrificing millions in federal bribes for the benefit of local residents.
In addition, many local governments have asked for clarification from the federal government and resettlement agencies regarding refugee resettlements in their jurisdictions. The answers often fail to materialize—demonstrating that simply speaking up about this issue often causes delays and setbacks for the proponents of moving huge numbers of so-called refugees into the United States.
The organized effort to resettle endless streams of Third World refugees in America shows no signs of abating. As this newspaper recently reported, the U.S. State Department, large corporations, religious charities, and other groups are systematically facilitating the resettling of thousands of Syrians, Iraqis, Afghans, and other Third World peoples across the country, often in direct opposition to the wishes of the American people. While the refugee crisis in Europe has dominated headlines for months now, the refugee crisis in the U.S.—and the forces behind it—can no longer be ignored.
The federal government and its contractors that facilitate these resettlements often portray their efforts in moralistic terms. However, many see a deeper agenda at play: the systematic displacement of the traditional group that founded and built America.
Others note that encouraging even more massive Third World immigration poses serious logistical, demographic, and law enforcement problems, not to mention increases the risk of terrorism and other crime.
Given the reality that at least 10 million illegal aliens are currently residing in the U.S. and over 1 million immigrants are allowed entry to this country every year, resettling thousands of purported refugees appears to be misguided at best.
And now locals appear to be pushing back.
In late April, the Tennessee general assembly overwhelmingly passed a resolution authorizing the state to sue the federal government regarding its refugee resettlement program on Tenth Amendment grounds, paving the way for other states to follow suit.
Tennessee’s attorney general is supposed to represent the state in the lawsuit against the federal government. However, if the attorney general declines to represent the state, the Thomas More Law Center, a nonprofit public interest law firm, has pledged it will participate in the legal proceeding on behalf of the state.
Despite many states officially withdrawing from ORR, the federal government can still bypass local authorities and work with so-called “volunteer agencies” in various states to ram through the resettlement process. These agencies often include religious groups and charities that receive payouts to resettle as many refugees and other immigrants as possible. Many question the legality of allowing the federal government and private organizations to utilize state and local tax dollars in the resettlement process.
NB: This article was originally published by American Free Press on May 9, 2016. Subscribe to America’s last real newspaper today!

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