Spotlight with Sibel & Spiro- You Be the Jury: Should Laws & Ethics Apply to the CIA?!

In this episode of Newsbud’s Spotlight with Sibel & Spiro we present our viewers with a vastly different aspect of the CIA’s Sabrina De Sousa conviction and extradition case. We invite you to be the jury (and the judge) in this interesting, philosophical and political discussion: Guilty Verdict, or Not, in the CIA’s De Sousa Extradition Case involving CIA’s Rendition Operations (Read: Kidnaping, torture and assassinations without warrants or probable cause)? Should laws, humanitarian values and ethics apply to the CIA (including CIA’s Rendition & Torture Operations)? Is sympathy deserved in the De Sousa Extradition Case? Please join our comments section below and provide us with your take and vote.
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Show Notes
Wikipedia: Sabrina De Sousa
YouTube: Newsbud Report with Peter B. Collins- Episode 4
YouTube: Newsbud Report with Peter B. Collins- Episode 3
The Guardian: Former CIA officer faces extradition to Italy over Abu Omar kidnapping
RT: Former CIA agent blames Bush, Rice for kidnapping of Egyptian cleric in Italy
Vice: Ex CIA Officer Facing Imprisonment Says Hilary Clinton is Partially to Blame
Convicted CIA Spy Says "We Broke The Law"