South Koreans protest movement of US THAAD Missile System

In a further sign that the political climate of South Korea has turned increasingly anti-American/anti-militaristic since the impeachment and arrest of President Park in March of this year, South Koreans took to the streets to protest the arrival of the US THAAD Missile System in North Gyeongsang Province.
The THAAD system arrived in the country in March and is now being positioned at its permanent installation point in Seongju in the south east of the country.
The Duran has previously published a piece speculating that increased pressure from the US directed to North Korea, may actually be an attempt to meddle in the South Korean political process as special Presidential elections are to take place on the 9th of May. A war could possibly dispute those elections.
READ MORE: Could the US go to war with North Korea to stop democracy in SOUTH Korea?
Initial reports state that 200 people blocked the entrance to the site where THAAD will be set-up and over 8,000 locals came out to protest. Local police who were escorting the US military convoy came under attack from outraged locals.
One must consequently question the following: with US rhetoric constantly stating how little the North Korean’s support their government. How much do South Korean’s support their government?

'주민-경찰 충돌' 사드 발사대 등 성주골프장 전격 진입 #사드
— 위키트리 WIKITREE (@wikitree) April 25, 2017

새벽 4시 45분, 주민들과 교무님들, 지킴이들 모두 고착당한 채로 #사드 들어갔습니다
— 참여연대 (@peoplepower21) April 25, 2017

사드 전격 배치…성주골프장 입구서 주민·경찰 충돌
경찰 8천 명 동원해 주민 500명 차단
주한 미군이 26일 경북 성주군 성주골프장에 사드(THAAD·고고도미사일방어체계) 포대를 배치한다.
— 김성남 (@vkm3000) April 25, 2017

The post South Koreans protest movement of US THAAD Missile System appeared first on The Duran.
