This Is Sick: US Vice President Makes Moves On An Innocent 13 Year Old Girl (!)

I have been like everyone else over the last while... Watching the downfall of that psychotic demon Hillary "Killary" Clinton, as her health issues become apparent, and the US Democratic Party is now scrambling like crazy trying to figure out how to keep their LIES going through their Jew spew media that this witch is somehow "healthy" and "fit to be President".... It is indeed disgusting...Yes, there are those out there that are saying that with Killary unfit to be President, the Democratic Party has to now look for a new person that they can thrust into the White House (a shoo-in apparently with the fraud voting!) and many are now pushing for Vice President Joe Biden to be the next heir apparent to the US throne...But something is terribly wrong with Vice President Joe Biden, and I will show it here in the following video.... This one was sent to me just the other day via email from a friend that asked me to look at it and possibly give both my opinion and to put it up here at this blog... And considering how sick this video shows the true nature of Joe Biden, I am happy to oblige..... Please watch the following video from Vimeo that shows the Vice President of the United States making moves on an innocent 13 year old girl for it is pathetic... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:Joe Biden Pedofile - Do you wanna know how horny I am?! from Zilch Magnet on Vimeo. NTS Notes:  Honestly... With the possibility that Killary is unfit to be President, the American people are actually considering this sicko to be the next in line for the Presidency?Yes, Joe Biden is indeed a pedophile as this video blatantly shows.... And he is definitely NOT fit to be the next US President by a long shot...Honestly, the Democratic Party in the United States is in a quandry... They have put all of their efforts into having the "Hill-dabest" Killary to be their Empress of America... But Killary is a psychotic lunatic monster and absolutely unfit for the Presidency...So who is left to choose from if Killary is exposed for her health deficiencies and cannot be President?  Joe Biden is exposed here as an old pedophile that likes little girls, so he is indeed unfit to be the next President... Michelle (Michael) Obama is a transvestite that has been masquerading as the "First Lady" for the last 8 years, but he himself is a freak of nature.....So honestly who is left?Again, I am no fan of Republican Donald Drumpf either, for I look at him as being just another Jew butt kisser, who has indeed shown his undying love for Israel first and foremost.... If he becomes President, it will continue to be business as usual as the Jewish criminals continue their ruination of America.....Honestly, America... When it comes to the elections this November, you are screwed!More to comeNTS