SEATTLE OR DIE! Jack Blood is Taking his Talents back to the “Emerald City”

Dear Friends and Supporters:
After near 25 years on the road sharing my Passion for the truth, my knowledge, my art and my soul with the people of the West, SW, NE, the Deep south, and lately the dirty south (Atlanta GA) … I am trying to relocate my family and my business back where I was born and raised…. Seattle Washington.
I have missed my friends, the people, the water, the weather, the mountains, and after just losing my mother… my family. We have great connections there to hit the ground running!
We have met some amazing, and truly INSPIRING people along the way! It has cultivated me into the person writing you today! Atlanta, while being great in so many ways, has not been too kind to us. There is nothing left for me to do here. In fact, I am now living on borrowed time, and my work is suffering for it.
I want to share with you my plans in the hopes that you will bless my decision, and support us by donating whatever you can to make this move possible. I’m afraid that without that support, my work will die here, burned to the ground just as this city was almost 150 years ago. Sorry for the dramatic tone.
So here is what we have planned, and we would like to get started right away!
1) I have formed a partnership with Greg Knight, a seasoned investigative reporter, and multi media expert. Greg has been contributing to THE JACK BLOOD SHOW for the last 3 years. His work is perhaps some of the best in the Alternative (to the “alternative”) media. Greg will join the cast we currently have in place, to bring YOU some of the most sound, and solid reporting anywhere.
Greg and I have formed The Information Factory. (IN Fact, FOR Fact….) We will be doing a number of things that I personally haven’t had the resources to do in past years. Greg is adding his knowledge, expertise, and video / editing equipment to our cause. We will be creating a series of short documentaries which will give everyone of you undeniable evidence of corruption and conspiracy. We will be adding an unbiased, neutral “Meme Factory” that could be an unparalleled, CULTURE JAMMER!

Greg and I will be offering LIVE Streaming services to everyone / events in the NW. This company will be self supporting.
2) We will be securing “factory” space in Seattle to create a learning center for all to use a resource. It is one of my personal goals to invent a prototype of a 21st century library for the people. Here we can house hard copies of important documents ( think US Library of Congress, but for REAL history! ) AND… if possible we would like to set up a TRUTH Hall of Fame! to remember all the great men and woman who have contributed to the cause of truth and freedom… whom should never be forgotten!)
3) “CONVERSATION PEACE” – This will be a wing of our venture that will reclaim materials and FOOD from the every growing dumpster of our wasteful society, AKA: “Dumpster Nation”. These materials will be reused, and recreated to gallery form. From furniture, to electronics….. or everyday items…. We will attempt to re-frame the “Green Cause” to one of action and TRUTH. Each item we save will tell a story.
We will commission local craftspeople and artists to help with this project, thus giving underground employment to the people that sometimes need it most. We have other proprietary info on this we cannot yet share with the public, but it is very exciting. If successful, this can serve as a model for every community around the world.
4) PROJECT 1000 – This is a direct action activism group that I have had in design for many years, learning from my own, and other’s mistakes via working in the streets, and halls of power to “legalize Freedom”. Everyone reading this can join up. It requires little time from individuals, but is a true force multiplier in its effect. I will write a special notice for this in the very near future.
5) NOBODY FOR POTUS 2016. I have already joined forces with my good friend and brother Larry Pinkney (aka The Pink Panther) to launch a campaign for President of the united States. More info HERE:

Press Release: Nobody for President of the united States of America 2016

6) RADIO FREE BLOOD – If you lost track of us, you may not know that – thanks to your past support – I started my own Radio Channel. We will be growing and expanding this going forward! More info on RFB here: THE WORLD’S FIRST OFFICIAL “POP UP” RADIO STATION
*I also have a band that I have been with out of Seattle for 27 years, We are playing this NOV… and I will be doing some of my first Stand Up Comedy in Seattle, which is Impossible here in Atlanta (in the vein of Hicks, and Carlin) 
If you can help make all of this possible by supporting our move and contribute to our start up capital; we will pay you back in spades, by doing the work we were meant to do in an effort to educate and inform the public…. And create consensus to take back our freedoms!!!
To donate Directly to this cause – SEATTLE OR DIE – EMAIL me directly with the e-pay of your choice to: – We hope to avoid paying fees on your donations to a kick starter corp. If you cannot or do not want to use an epay program, please write me and we will send snail mail address for checks payable to DEADLINE PRODUCTIONS.
I want to sincerely thank ALL of you whom helped us get this far. We are near the proverbial goal line now, PLEASE help us get in for a score. All we have to do is WIN!
Most Truly Yours in Liberty, Justice, and Peace ~
Jack Blood / family and Crew

