Seattle Cop Fired for Stalking Women Now Accused of Kidnapping a Woman While Driving for Uber

A former Seattle police officer who was fired for stalking women he met on duty is now being investigated for kidnapping a woman he met while working as an Uber driver.
KOMO News stated that it is not releasing his name, claiming it is because he has not been charged or arrested.
But a quick Google search tells us his name is Peter Leutz.
Leutz was fired from the Seattle Police Department in March 2015 after three women complained about unwanted advances, including showing up to the home of a woman he had pulled over earlier in the evening to provide his personal phone number.
He then texted the woman 109 times over a 39-day period.
He also responded to a domestic abuse incident and began making moves on the victim, texting her to inform her he wanted to “hug and comfort” her.
Seattle police fired him, acting surprised that an officer would abuse his power that way, conveniently forgetting that his wife filed an order of protection against him in 2009 after threatening to leave her and her 4-year-old son homeless.
In 2007, he shot and wounded a 13-year-old boy who had pulled out a cell phone, claiming he was in fear for his life.
When he was finally fired in March 2015, a local blog wrote that he “should have been fired a while ago.”
By December of 2015, he was working as an Uber driver when he picked up a woman and informed her how angry women made him.
According to KOMO News:

The victim says when they arrived at her residence, she got out of the car to smoke but the suspect told her she could smoke in the vehicle. Once inside, according to the detective, the suspect started the car and drove around the neighborhood for an hour, despite the victim’s pleas to return her home, and “pointed out various locations and telling her he was a former law enforcement officer and talked about the various crimes he investigated there.”
The victim told detectives when the suspect finally dropped her off, he kissed her on the lips and asked for her phone number, “stating to the effect that if she lied he would know from her Uber information,” so she provided her real number.
The victim told detectives she never reported the incident “due to her feelings that things never went well when you report a police officer to another police officer from stories she had heard from TV or friends,” as stated in the search warrant.
The documents go on to state over the next several months the victim received several “strange” texts from the suspect.
On April 13, the victim says she was told the suspect was able to get into the locked courtyard of her building and left a handwritten note for her to call him. The documents state this visit was caught on surveillance video. It was only after this incident that the victim reported the Dec. 13 Uber ride.

Uber told KOMO News that Leutz is no longer working for them.
Last month, Uber settled a $10 million lawsuit over its ineffectiveness in screening Uber drivers through background checks, which might have led to a reduction in assault incidents by Uber drivers.
While KOMO News decided to withhold his name, Amy Clancy of KIRO News published a photo of a search warrant on her Facebook page, confirming the Uber driver is Luetz.

The post Seattle Cop Fired for Stalking Women Now Accused of Kidnapping a Woman While Driving for Uber appeared first on PINAC News.
