Russian military mobilizes for ‘snap’ drills

Russia is testing the combat readiness of many of its major arms materiel, such as these Mi-28 attack helicopters seen at an aerial show earlier in the year [Xinhua]
Russian President Vladimir President has order the armed forces into surprise military drills in the west and south of the country to test what he called “combat readiness”.
The exercises, which will last for six days until the end of August, involve heavy weaponry, mechanized divisions, air defenses, paratroopers, aerospace officers, and several naval units from the Northern Fleet, to name a few.
S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems, in addition to some 70 MiG-31 fighter jets, began similar exercises in Russia’s central military district on Wednesday, the Russian news agency TASS reported.
Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu told local media that the drills, which began 7am Moscow time (3am GMT), will in the first 24 hours “check the military’s ability to perform specific combat readiness activities”.
The Defense Ministry says it is testing the military’s capabilities to “defend Russia’s interests amid growing security threats”.
In statements carried by TASS, Shoigu also said that he ordered Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov “to inform military attaches of foreign states about the surprise overall combat readiness check of forces”.
The military also issued a press release indicating that a number of naval units from the Caspia Flotilla will participate in the snap drills.
These also include vessels fitted with the Kalibr cruise missile weapon system.
This latest round of drills comes a week after more than 10,000 soldiers and extensive armored vehicles participated in drills in Russia’s Eastern Military District.
It also comes a week after Russia renewed its cruise missile attacks against positions held by Islamist extremist groups in Syria, and after the air force used Iranian bases to launch air raids against the same targets.

The BRICS Post with inputs from Agencies