Russia requests UNSC Meeting Tonight.Ukraine Military Op- Criminal

Following on Ukraine ordering  a  military operation against the pro-federation protestors-Update 2 in the post  Ukraine- Conflict, casualties, building seizures,1 MIA Oligarch & UpdatesAdditional info here- Ukraine to deploy troops "in anti-terror" OperationThe article  linked above was initially headlined -Ukraine special forces sent to eastern city.Then changed to "anti-terror"… Perhaps a bit too much was given away with that headline?Anti-terror means oppression and the only attacking that went one was  launched by the coup government against the federation protestors.

 Ukraine is deploying troops in a "large-scale anti-terrorist operation" to resist attacks by armed pro-Russian forces, Ukraine's President Oleksandr Turchynov said on Sunday in a televised address.

The Russian requested UN Security Council Meeting...RT

The Kiev authorities, who self-proclaimed themselves as a result of a coup, have embarked on the violent military suppression of the protests,” the ministry said adding that the rallies, which have gripped the Donbas region were prompted by Kiev’s disregard of the legitimate interests the people.Moscow slammed Sunday’s order, issued by the coup-imposed acting President Aleksandr Turchinov approving a full-scale security operation in the country’s eastern regions, as “criminal”.“Blood has already been spilled as the result of such actions in the South East.”The ministry’s statement elaborated that Russia strongly condemns attempts to use brutal force against protesters and activists by involving militants from the far-right Right Sector group or other illegal armed forces.

The West should bring its allies in Ukraine's government under control, Moscow said stressing “it depends on the West now to stop the civil war in Ukraine”.“We demand the Maidan henchmen, who overthrew the legitimate president, to immediately stop the war against their own people, to fulfill all the obligations under the Agreement of 21 February,” the Foreign Ministry said.

“The western sponsors of the Maidan government, especially those who witnessed the Agreement [of 21 February] and are backed by the US, have to curb their out of control wards, they have to make them break away from the neo-Nazis and other extremists…”The Kiev authorities have to start a national dialogue with an equal participation of all regions to make urgent and radical constitutional reforms, the ministry said.

 The coup-imposed President Aleksandr Turchinov set a deadline until Monday morning for the pro-independence supporters in eastern Ukraine to leave the government buildings they have occupied or the military will use force.

 UN Security Council to hold emergency meeting on Ukraine