To Russia With Rainbows

The 2014 Olympic games are set to be held in Sochi, Russia-- notable for their snow capped mountains, love of winter sports, and rabidly homophobic laws about "gay propaganda" (whatever that means).While these games have all of the trappings of Berlin 1936, the one organization we'd expect to have a clear head about these bigoted laws is the International Olympic Commission (IOC). The IOC chose Sochi before Russia passed their anti-gay laws, so the least you would expect them to do is allow Olympic athletes who are repulsed by Russia's institutionalized homophobia wear rainbow flags or other forms of pride and protest.Well, if you thought the IOC would be rational about this, you'd be wrong.In fact, the IOC is choosing to enact a little known rule that will ban athletes from making "political" statements-- including statements about Russia's homophobic laws.But we don't have to accept this. Daylin Leach, a Blue America-endorsed candidate for Congress in PA-13 (and gay rights advocate in the Pennsylvania Senate where he serves) is running a petition campaign to demand that the IOC to suspend their rules to allow for support for gay athletes and gay Russians. But he needs your help.  Here's what you can do:First, click this link to sign the petition.Second, share the link or the meme below on your Twitter and Facebook pages.  Together we can have a real impact on the IOC, and when we watch the opening ceremonies, know that the rainbow flag pins are because of Daylin's campaign and everyone who supports it.