Russia Just Sent an Ominous Warning to the U.K.

(ANTIMEDIA) As tensions rise between world powers over Syria and North Korea — and as the U.S.-U.K.-led NATO forces continue their military buildup on Russia’s borders — Russia has delivered its sternest warning to the United Kingdom to date.
Russian Member of Parliament (MP) Franz Klintsevich, a retired colonel, was responding to comments from Defence Secretary Michael Fallon, who said that “in the most extreme circumstances, we have made it very clear that you can’t rule out the use of nuclear weapons as a first strike.”
Klintsevich replied to Fallon indirectly. “[N]ot having the biggest territory, it [Britain] will literally be erased from the earth,” he said, according to the Independent.
A translation by the Russian news agency TASS said Klintsevich’s rebuttal stated Britain would be “raised to the ground” if it launched a preemptive strike (it appears they intended to use the word “razed”).
Shortly after her appointment as prime minister, Theresa May made it quite clear she was open to the idea of using nuclear weapons in pre-emptive situations. Of course, statements like this are apparently looked upon favorably by Russia as it sits and watches British troops accumulating along its border.
Despite these threats, the United Kingdom actually has far less nuclear capability than Russia, which is estimated to hold the world’s largest nuclear arsenal with 7,300 nuclear warheads.
That being said, there is no reason for the U.K. not to hide under the U.S. nuclear umbrella as most American allies do. As intellectual Noam Chomsky astutely noted in a recent interview, the United States’ nuclear weapons arsenal has been developed so maniacally that it has completely overturned the global balance of power to favor Washington, instead. Chomsky states:
“If you want to learn something about nuclear weapons and why these issues are not being reported, take a look at the March 1 issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, where there is an absolutely spectacular article by two real experts — Hans M. Kristensen and Ted Postol from MIT. They discuss the new targeting systems that have been invented under the Obama Modernization Program that’s now being escalated by Trump, and it’s extremely dangerous. What they claim based on disclosed information is that the US missile systems have been improved by such a huge factor that they are now capable of instantly wiping out the Russian deterrent.” [emphasis added]
As Chomsky notes, the “nuclear stability” of the world order has been removed, and Russia is well aware of this. Not only is Russia aware of this fact, they have been expressly preparing for the situation. As Anti-Media reported in August of last year, Russian president Vladimir Putin famously stated:
“Today Russia has reached significant achievements in this field. We have modernized our missile systems and successfully developed new generations. Not to mention missile defense systems…We must provide security not only for ourselves. It’s important to provide strategic balance in the world, which guarantees peace on the planet.”
As far as we aware, only one country has used nuclear weapons on a civilian population in our recent history, and only one country and its allies possess the ability to deliver a nuclear strike on another country without worrying about that country’s own nuclear deterrent.
It is time for the mainstream media and its so-called journalists to start asking the real questions: Who is really the threat to world peace?
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