Russell Brand banned from Guantánamo Bay

I guess it’s funny. Funny the US government is so keen to look after Shaker Aamer‘s wellbeing that despite judging him one of the “most dangerous, best-trained, vicious killers on the face of the earth“, they’re worried he won’t be able to handle a bit of swearing. At least, according to Aamer, that’s the reason censors have stopped him reading the second volume of Russell Brand‘s memoirs, Booky Wook 2.
Writing in the New Statesman he explains that almost 12 years into his detention without charge at the prison camp in Guantánamo Bay, he’s been trying to work out what gets the camp’s censors hot under the collar. His lawyer, Clive Stafford Smith, drops off a few books every three months or so, but it’s still “difficult to identify any consistent or logical basis for the censorship“. Nineteen Eighty-Four is apparently fine. Gulag Archipelago is not.
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