Roundtable Discussion on Video Game Addiction, part 1

A special podcast presentation for Trans Resister Radio listeners: Tom Secker of, Adam of, and Aaron Franz of have a conversation about video game addiction. Without a doubt games can become an addiction, but how serious is the problem? What sorts of virtual worlds are emerging from out of current video games?
Topics include: video games, World of Warcraft, WoW, MMO, Duncan Jones, Zowie Bowie, Moon, Source Code, social isolation, addiction, online communities, virtual worlds, video game to film adaptations, fantasy, Second Life, Douglas Rushkoff, Digital Nation, virtual conferencing, travel, carbon footprint, green, climate change, Ray Kurzweil, identity disorders, consumerism, customizability, drugs, hippies, religious fundamentalists, patriotism, military themed games, military recruitment, drones, drug culture, substance abuse, psychic addiction, facebook, social media, transhuman agenda, intelligence ties, myspace, smart phones, tablets, corporate amalgamation, instagram, Google Plus, free services, convenience, WoW freakout video, cultural desensitization, internet, association, dark ecstasy, Thanatos instinct, death, divorced from emotions, treating PTSD, Daedalus Project
Listen to Part 1
This is a special podcast presentation that is being made available through the Trans Resister Radio feed. Additionally you will be able to find it on Tom's website and Adam's website Be sure to subscribe, and share with others. Thank you all.
