Ron Paul Liberty Report: US-Saudi Arms Trafficking to Terrorists in Syria

Back in July, 21WIRE detailed the investigative work of Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, and her report which exposed a US and Saudi Arabia-sponsored international weapons trafficking operation – where arms purchased through third parties and ferried on diplomatic flights using Azerbaijan state-run airlines, Silkway Airlines. The illegal program was launched under President Barack Obama in 2012 and continues to this day under Donald Trump. Despite bountiful evidence, the western mainstream media has simply ignored and steered away from this story.
Liberty Report asks: “Why is the Pentagon spending billions of dollars purchasing Soviet and east European weapons to ship to Syrian rebels? A blockbuster Bulgarian investigative report exposes the lies and illegality of the purchases and shipments; several mainstream investigations corroborate the Bulgarian report.”
Investigative Reporter Dilyana Gaytandzhieva joins Daniel McAdams host of the Liberty Report to explain her incredible findings. Watch:

Read Dilyana Gaytandzhieva’s extensive report here:
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