For Ro Khanna, A Past Filled With Cheating Was A Predictable Prologue To His Current Campaign

Anti-family conservatives Khanna & SinghYesterday we took a look at how Ro Khanna, from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party, was forced to resign from his first elected office when he was exposed for financial campaign fraud (1996) and then how Bill Clinton denounced him 8 years later when Khanna falsely claimed to have been endorsed by Clinton while he was running against Congressman Tom Lantos.

Clinton wasn't satisfied with telling Khanna to cease-and-desist, he took the unusual step of endorsing Khanna's rival, Congressman Tom Lantos because of the flap. Clinton said he generally does not endorse candidates in primaries. "I regret that Ro Khanna has misled the people of the 12th District in this mailing," Clinton said in a press release.

Now Khanna, financed by wealthy Republicans as part of their class war against working families, is running the same kind of sleazy campaign against Mike Honda in a neighboring district. Yesterday the biggest newspaper in the area, the San Jose Mercury News exposed the latest dirty trick in Khanna's arsenal. Remember back in January when we told you that polling showed a Republican, Vanila Singh, was outpolling Khanna for the #2 spot in the upcoming June 3 primary? A poll by PPP showed that if the primary were voted on now, Honda would lead with 45% while Singh, the actual Republican nominee, would come in second with 29% and Khanna, the stealth Republican with all the millions of dollars behind him, would trail with 26%. So Khanna's instinct for dirty pool kicked into hight gear. And he had all the money he needed to try to fix the ballot, just like he did in 1996. And now Khanna is being sued.

Democratic congressional candidate Ro Khanna recruited two last-minute Republican candidates to split the GOP vote and restore his position as the top challenger to Silicon Valley U.S. Rep. Mike Honda, an East Bay Republican official claims in a lawsuit.…Jeffrey Wald of Fremont, an Alameda County Republican Central Committee member, wants a Sacramento County Superior Court judge to order the Alameda and Contra Costa county registrars and Secretary of State Debra Bowen to kick Vanlandingham and Rathore off the June 3 primary election ballot.His lawsuit claims "Khanna recruited candidates to enter the race as Republicans to split the Republican vote three ways, effectively diluting votes that would otherwise be cast in favor of (Vanila) Singh."Dr. Vanila Singh, a Fremont Republican, entered the race at the start of this year, while Vanlandingham and Rathore filed papers just before the March 7 deadline."The addition of Singh Rathore and Vanlandingham, both of whom are running as Republicans, will split the GOP vote, effectively moving Khanna to second place in the top two June 3 Primary Election," Wald's lawsuit says. "The addition of Singh Rathore, another Indian-American, will split the Indian-American vote. In addition, the fact that Singh Rathore has added his middle name on his ballot designation appears to be a clear effort to cause confusion between 'Vanila Singh' and 'Vinesh Singh,' both of whom are designated as Republicans."Rathore, a Google product attorney for San Jose, submitted candidacy papers bearing several nominating signatures in the same handwriting, indicating the people didn't sign personally as required by law, the lawsuit says. And Vanlandingham, a tech industry job recruiter from San Jose, submitted nomination papers signed by people who also had signed for Khanna, or bearing addresses or handwriting that differed from those people's voter registrations, the suit claims.The lawsuit also claims neither Rathore nor Vanlandingham had registered or filed statements of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission as of this past Sunday; no FEC records could be found for either of them Wednesday.

The national Republican Party has embraced Vanila Singh, a candidate who appears to be backed by India's fascist-oriented Bharatiya Janata Party of genoicidal maniac Narendra Modi. His anti-Muslim fanaticism is perfect for the American GOP. NRCC Chairman Greg Walden is always proud to embrace a fellow fascist backed by foreign money. He put Singh on the Republican Party's "On The Radar" list of candidates and said "California's hardworking families deserve better than skyrocketing health care costs, financial instability and mountains of debt on their backs. I am certain that Vanila Singh will be a strong contender this election cycle."