Right Wing Automaton Mike Huckabee And Benghazi!

When I was growing up, I looked forward to watching 60 Minutes every Sunday. Not so much after I grew up. For me it had lost its relevance some time in the 1980s. I haven't watched it since. So when the whole Lara Logan kerfuffle exploded, we didn't cover it here at DWT and I only followed it second and third-hand in news reports about how CBS-TV had allowed one of their reporters to twist a Benghazi story into deceitful right-wing propaganda that fit her own political agenda and then gave her a paid vacation to shut the critics up. Unpleasant but not something that surprised me coming from corporate media.Yesterday my friend Jack sent me a story about how Mike Huckabee is ending his daily Hate Talk Radio show in a few weeks, wondering if that augurs another presidential run for the former Arkansas governor.

Mike Huckabee will host his final radio show on December 12, ending the former Arkansas governor’s foray into daily talk radio that began in April 2012.  Syndicated by Cumulus Media, The Mike Huckabee Show currently airs from noon-3pm Eastern on more than 200 stations.  In a Facebook posting, Huckabee said his contract was at “a decision point for both Cumulus Media and me, and we mutually agreed to conclude.”  He’ll continue to host his daily short-form Huckabee Report commentaries.“I have loved doing the Mike Huckabee Show and its success of going from launch to over 200 stations in less than 2 years is significant,” Huckabee said on Facebook.  “I have opportunities in some other areas that cannot be accomplished given the 8-9 hours a day I was devoting to the daily long form show.”

Let's hope one of those "other areas" isn't electoral politics. Huckabee works hard to sound reasonable and moderate but, in reality, he's a deranged, pig-headed extremist with a dangerous and unAmerican right-wing belief system. His response, in fact, to the Lara Logan 60 Minutes cluster-fuck-- motivated by opportunistic anti-Hillary Clinton/anti-Obama hysteria on the right-- was typical Huckabee. Knowing full well he has a low-info, reality-isolated and easily-manipulated audience, Huckabee's take-away on the completely discredited 60 Minutes Benghazi report is to paint Lara Logan a victim and a "hero journalist."When one of the Fox News propagandists, wormy little wing nut Brian Kilmeade, asked Huckabee what he thought of 60 Minutes suspending Logan, he said he was "very shocked."And I think that the fact is that we’re missing the big story here. We still don’t know what happened in Benghazi. Our government lied to us, they covered it up. Lara Logan is certainly a hero journalist to at least attempt to get the story out."