Richard Sorge – The Communist James Bond

In the third edition of the new monthly show produced by Newsbud Tales from the Russian Intelligence, Professor Filip Kovacevic discusses the biography of the Soviet spy Richard Sorge based on declassified documents from the Russian archives and the various Russian publications as reported in a book by the well-known Russian journalist and historical researcher Elena Prudnikova entitled “Richard Sorge: Who Was He Really?” published in Moscow in 2015. You won’t find this book in English and that is what makes Professor Kovacevic’s show on the Soviet and Russian intelligence activities unique in the English-speaking media sphere. The key issue he examines is what made the Russian-born German national Richard Sorge worthy of being called the Communist James Bond. Do not miss this exclusive edition of Tales from the Russian Intelligence!
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Елена А. Прудникова [Elena Prudnikova]. Рихард Зорге. Кто он >на самом деле? [Richard Sorge. Who Was He Really?]. — Мoсква [Moscow]: Эксмо, 2015.