Republican: Kyrsten Sinema "Participated In Pagan Rituals, Singing And Spiraling"

Reactionary Arizona New Dem, Kyrsten Sinema is one of the half dozen most conservative Democrats in Congress. Her voting record on crucial roll calls is worse than even Blue Dogs Mike McIntyre's and Jim Matheson's, who both represent deep red districts (unlike her own). She votes more frequently with the GOP than even fellow Arizona ConservaDems Ann Kirkpatrick and Ron Barber. Unquestionably, she deserves to lose her seat next year. But, instead of attacking her as a Wall Street shill undermining the best interests of her constituents, her crazy extremist opponent, well-known neo-Nazi sociopath Vernon Parker, is running an ad (above) against her that calls her a "radical left wing activist."That was a guise she once wore to woo progressive voters-- a guise she's long discarded. If Parker wants to win, he'd be better off running ads that describe what a lousy congresswoman Sinema has been and how her agenda is antithetical to the interests of working families in Arizona's 9th CD. Of course, since he's even worse than her on every single issue, that could be tough for him. So I guess he's sticking to the ridiculous hippie-dancing accusations.The DCCC seems to have found another useless conservative shill like Sinema-- after all, that's what DCCC chairman Steve Israel specializes in-- to run against vulnerable Republican Scott Rigell in Virginia's 2nd district. The PVI is a winnable R+2 and Obama won against both McCain and Romney there. Rigell is a mainstream conservative, not a teabagger and he beat the Democratic incumbent, conservative Blue Dog Glenn Nye as part of the Great Blue Dog Apocalypse of 2010. Nye's right-leaning record kept Democratic voters at home, allowing Rigell to win. So, of course, the DCCC found another right-leaning Democrat-- if she even is a Democrat at all-- Suzanne Patrick, to run for the seat next year. Patrick was appointed Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for industrial policy by George W. Bush. Karl Rove went over all those appointments and.. well, he didn't specialize in allowing Democrats into the Administration. She's calling herself a "centrist Democrat" which is how people say "right-wing conservative Democrat who will vote with the GOP on most important issues."I think we can be sure that at least Patrick has never participated in any pagan rituals, spiraled or sung (outside of church). Like any DCCC recruit, her website says nothing about any contentious issues. In the first paragraph of her announcement she touts her employment by Reagan and Bush but says nothing about being a Democrat and never mentions a single Democratic value or principle. The only political contribution she's ever made was $500 to Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman in 2011. She isn't offering anything that Rigell isn't already offering... so she will lose and the DCCC will flush a load of money down the toilet in the process. Steve Israel is the worst catastrophe that has ever befallen the DCCC. Until he is removed, the Democrats will continue with a strategy that fails and fails and fails.