"Refugee camps" in Kurdish/Iraq- Kurds request No-fly Buffer Zone & Armed US Assist

I am having a bit of deja vu.  Deja vu, as in, this seems somewhat familiar...........Turkey plans refugee camps, in Kurdish held territory, in Iraq.The deja vu, for myself, and perhaps for long time readers here comes from the fact that Turkey built "refugee camps" at it's border with Syria. Those camps were only maybe a tiny bit for refugees. Mostly those camps served as a base of operations for NATO backed Islamist fighters to destroy Syria.Since some in Turkey have already embedded themselves with the Kurds, there is no need to build "refugee camps" for NATO backed fighters in Turkey.The Kurds are very willing and able to go along with a wider war, destabilization, balkanization, plunder plan.As luck would have it, this latest camp will be ready in one week. Yes, that's right- just one week! Did you notice I said "this latest camp"? That's because, this is not the first camp Turkey has built for refugees in Iraq. The previous camp was built in an auspicious location.Latest camp-

Turkey is accelerating its plans to help construct a new refugee camp in northern Iraq for Turkmens who were forced to flee north after the Islamic State in Syria and the Levant (ISIL) captured the Sinjar region.

The Prime Ministry’s Disaster and Emergency Management Directorate (AFAD) will set up a new, 20,000-person refugee camp for Turkmens in the Fishkabur region of Dohuk province in the Kurdish autonomous region.

 A 20,000 person refugee camp?Notice the Fishkabur area and the Pipeline? The Previous Camp-

The camp will be ready in one week’s time and will be operated by Iraqi Turkmens, state-run Anadolu Agency reported. Turkey had earlier set up another camp for Iraqi Turkmen in Sinjar.

 A camp for Iraqi Turkmen in Sinjar? Remember the number we were given was 200 families.And we will have a camp that can hold 20,000 ready in a week- So who has been in the Sinjar camp?Say, isn't Sinjar that same town that ISIS is in?  Why yes, it is!The very same Sinjar, Iraq, Turkey had set up an earlier 'refugee camp'in? The same Sinjar that now been taken over/over run by ISIS?? What a coincidence!L  i  k  s   and their headlines: "Jihadists seize town of Sinjar, Iraq" or " UN warns of 'humanitarian tragedy' as ISIS seizes Sinjar" or "Iraq: ISIL terrorists besiege Shiite families from Sinjar district"Angeline Jolie better get her earth mother (death angel) face on, for these latest 'refugee camps'  Recapping-  Turkey sets up an earlier refugee camp in Sinjar, Iraq,  allegedly for Iraqi Turkmen and yet ISIS runs roughshod over the town terrorizing Shiites? Are Iraqi Turkmen one and the same with ISIS?

Some 200 Turkmen families fled to the region near the Turkish-Iraqi border on the weekend when ISIL militants swept into the region between Sinjar and Mosul, but there is no accumulation of refugees at either the Zakho or Habur crossings between Turkey and Iraq, a Turkish official told Hürriyet Daily News.

 So, let's get this straight? Turkey is building a refugee camp, on the route of an Iraqi pipeline for 20,000 non-existent refugees. Past behaviour being the best indicator of future behaviour, suggests that that Turkey is actually building militarized bases for NATO's Islamist army in Iraq. Which would be ISIS.The refugees has to be baloney because there is no accumulation of refugees at the border.

When asked about the Iraqi Turkmens who want to take shelter in Turkish territory, a Turkish diplomat told the Hürriyet Daily News in July that the Iraqi Kurdish autonomous region was embracing those fleeing from southern Iraq and establishing infrastructure, while Turkey was giving support by sending humanitarian aid to the refugees.

Meanwhile, Turkmen Front leader and Iraqi MP Ers,ad Salihi has applied to the United Nations’ Iraq representative to establish a buffer and no-fly zone for the community.

Salihi requested that the zone be similar to the one afforded to the Iraqi Kurds in 1991.

Applying to the UN for a buffer and no fly zone- Similar to 1991. WOW.Problem?  Of course!ISIS has NO PLANES. No jets. No fighter jets. No bombers. They don't have an airforce.  What in the hell does a 'no fly zone' have to do with a war against ISIS? A war against "political Islam"? A war against militants who have no air capabilities?The call for a no fly zone only makes sense when one realizes that the no fly zone would impede Baghdad. You may recall that the US stalled on delivering planes to the Iraqi government?You may recall that Iraq under Maliki's leadership got planes from Iran or Russia or perhaps both nations?Recall?  Iraq Buys Used Russian Fighter Jets Amid U.S. Delivery DelayToday - Iraq Authorizes Air Strikes to Support Kurdish Forces  Therefore: If there is going to be a no fly zone and a buffer zone this is to stop the Iraqi government from targeting the ISIS/Kurdish NATO backed fighters..    But, wait! There is more.

The Kurdistan Regional Government has officially asked the United States for armed assistance as it steps up the fight against terrorists of the ISIL who have declared their own state in conquered territories in Iraq and Syria.Falah Mustafa, head of foreign relations, said in a press statement that the US missions in Baghdad and Erbil had taken the Kurdish appeal “seriously” and “promised to intently look into the case.”“We told the US representatives that the time for action has come and that the US should change its Kurdish policy from showing gratitude to showing us direct support,” Mustafa added.

The Kurds have asked for direct armed assistance/military from the US. Good thing that 'refugee camp' is being built, right? Good thing that they are requesting a buffer zone and a no fly zone, right?

 In Washington, the State Department said the US had joint operations centers in Erbil and Baghdad which were helping the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) and Kurdish Peshmirga commanders by sharing intelligence information 

 Isn't it fortuitous that ISIS 'overran' the Kurds, who gave up with out a fight? What an ideal pretext for US military assistance. And as luck would have it the US has that drone base they are expanding..Flashback! Expanding US Drone Facility- Egyptian/Pakistan/Saudi Troops at Iraqi border Of course, the Kurds & Israeli's are the best of buds. Funny how things work out in Israel's favour?Flashback!-  The pendulum of the Arab Spring has swung in Israel’s favor......."