REDUX: Western Lies and Chemical False Flag Attacks in Syria

It’s clear after a review of the available evidence thus far, that western media and politicians who are condemning the Syrian government and Russia for “chemical attacks” – are spreading  fake news in order to gain political backing for a wider military intervention. 
Watch CNN’s Chris Cuomo as he attempts to litigate a fictitious verdict which happens to fit perfectly into the US pro-war and ‘No Fly Zone’ narrative being echoed by ‘regime change’ hawks John McCain and Adam Kinzinger on their same network today, and further echoed by more demagoguery from CNN’s Syria ‘experts’ Arwa Damon and Clarissa Ward as they blame the Syrian government with no evidence whatsoever. This segment by CNN is the very definition of propaganda:

Syriana Analysis:
Similar to 2013 chemical attack, the Western governments, and corporate mainstream media accusing the Syrian government of using chemical weapons, this time in Khan Shaykhun, in Idleb. This video discusses the disgusting and criminal usage of chemical weapons in Syria, indicating that it is not the Syrian government but the Islamist\terrorist groups behind the attacks. Watch:

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