The Realist Report – Evalion

On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined by Evalion, a video producer who has made some of the most provocative and brilliant YouTube videos I’ve come across. Be sure to check out all of her videos on her YouTube channel. In this introductory podcast, Evalion and I discuss her background and how she became red pilled, the creation and purpose of her YouTube channel, the rise of the alternative and independent media, censorship, Social Justice Warriors (SJWs), Jews, Whites, and related matters.
During the second Subscribers Only segment, Evalion and I pick up where we left off in the first hour and focus on some of her recent videos dealing with Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany. Evalion’s videos Why Hitler Wasn’t Evil, The Jew by Joseph Goebbels, and Julius Streicher’s Political Testament are highlighted and discussed. We also address the future of America, the demographic crisis facing the West, Donald Trump, and related issues.
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